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# User Rev Content
1 chuckv 3226 %!TEX root = /Users/charles/Desktop/nanoglass/nanoglass.tex
3 chuckv 3208 \section{Introduction}
4 gezelter 3217
5     Excitation of the plasmon resonance in metallic nanoparticles has
6     attracted enormous interest in the past several years. This is partly
7     due to the location of the plasmon band in the near IR for particles
8     in a wide range of sizes and geometries. (Living tissue is nearly
9     transparent in the near IR, and for this reason, there is an
10     unrealized potential for metallic nanoparticles to be used in both
11     diagnostic and therapeutic settings.) One of the side effects of
12     absorption of laser radiation at these frequencies is the rapid
13     (sub-picosecond) heating of the electronic degrees of freedom in the
14     metal. This hot electron gas quickly transfers heat to the phonon
15     modes of the lattice, resulting in a rapid heating of the metal
16     particles.
18     Since metallic nanoparticles have a large surface area to volume
19     ratio, many of the metal atoms are at surface locations and experience
20     relatively weak bonding. This is observable in a lowering of the
21     melting temperatures and a substantial softening of the bulk modulus
22     of these particles when compared with bulk metallic samples. One of
23     the side effects of the excitation of small metallic nanoparticles at
24     the plasmon resonance is the facile creation of liquid metal
25     droplets.
27     Much of the experimental work on this subject has been carried out in
28 gezelter 3230 the Hartland and von~Plessen
29     groups.\cite{HartlandG.V._jp0276092,Hodak:2000rb,Hartland:2003lr,Petrova:2007qy,Link:2000lr}
30     These experiments mostly use the technique of time-resolved optical
31     pump-probe spectroscopy where a pump laser pulse serves to excite
32     conduction band electrons in the nanoparticle and a following probe
33     laser pulse allows observation of the time evolution of the
34     electron-phonon coupling. Hu and Hartland have observed a direct
35     relation between the size of the nanoparticle and the observed cooling
36     rate using such pump-probe techniques.\cite{HuM._jp020581+} Plech
37     {\it et al.} have use pulsed x-ray scattering as a probe to directly
38     access changes to atomic structure following pump
39     excitation.\cite{plech:195423} They further determined that heat
40     transfer in nanoparticles to the surrounding solvent is goverened by
41     interfacial dynamics and not the thermal transport properties of the
42     solvent.
43 gezelter 3217
44     Since these experiments are often carried out in condensed phase
45     surroundings, the large surface area to volume ratio makes the heat
46     transfer to the surrounding solvent also a relatively rapid process.
47     In our recent simulation study of the laser excitation of gold
48 gezelter 3230 nanoparticles,\cite{VardemanC.F._jp051575r} we observed that the
49     cooling rate for these particles (10$^{11}$-10$^{12}$ K/s) is in
50     excess of the cooling rate required for glass formation in bulk
51     metallic alloys. Given this fact, it may be possible to use laser
52     excitation to melt, alloy and quench metallic nanoparticles in order
53     to form glassy nanobeads.
54 gezelter 3217
55     To study whether or not glass nanobead formation is feasible, we have
56     chosen the bimetallic alloy of Silver (60\%) and Copper (40\%) as a
57     model system because it is an experimentally known glass former and
58     has been used previously as a theoretical model for glassy
59 gezelter 3219 dynamics.\cite{Vardeman-II:2001jn} The Hume-Rothery rules suggest that
60     alloys composed of Copper and Silver should be miscible in the solid
61     state, because their lattice constants are within 15\% of each
62 gezelter 3221 another.\cite{Kittel:1996fk} Experimentally, however Ag-Cu alloys are a
63 gezelter 3219 well-known exception to this rule and are only miscible in the liquid
64     state given equilibrium conditions. Below the eutectic temperature of
65     779 $^\circ$C and composition (60.1\% Ag, 39.9\% Cu), the
66     solid alloys of Ag and Cu will phase separate into Ag and Cu rich
67     $\alpha$ and $\beta$ phases, respectively. This behavior is due to a
68     positive heat of mixing in both the solid and liquid phases. For the
69 gezelter 3230 one-to-one composition fcc solid solution, $\Delta H_{\rm mix}$ is on the order
70 chuckv 3220 of +6~kJ/mole.\cite{Ma:2005fk} Non-equilibrium solid solutions may be
71 gezelter 3219 formed by undercooling, and under these conditions, a
72     compositionally-disordered $\gamma$ fcc phase can be formed.
73 gezelter 3217
74 gezelter 3219 Metastable alloys composed of Ag-Cu were first reported by Duwez in
75     1960 and were created by using a ``splat quenching'' technique in
76     which a liquid droplet is propelled by a shock wave against a cooled
77     metallic target.\cite{duwez:1136} Because of the small positive
78 gezelter 3230 $\Delta H_{\rm mix}$, supersaturated crystalline solutions are
79     typically obtained rather than an amorphous phase. Higher $\Delta
80     H_{\rm mix}$ systems, such as Ag-Ni, are immiscible even in liquid
81     states, but they tend to form metastable alloys much more readily than
82     Ag-Cu. If present, the amorphous Ag-Cu phase is usually seen as the
83     minority phase in most experiments. Because of this unique
84     crystalline-amorphous behavior, the Ag-Cu system has been widely
85     studied. Methods for creating such bulk phase structures include splat
86     quenching, vapor deposition, ion beam mixing and mechanical
87     alloying. Both structural
88 gezelter 3219 \cite{sheng:184203} and dynamic\cite{Vardeman-II:2001jn}
89     computational studies have also been performed on this system.
90 chuckv 3218
91 gezelter 3219 Although bulk Ag-Cu alloys have been studied widely, this alloy has
92     been mostly overlooked in nanoscale materials. The literature on
93     alloyed metallic nanoparticles has dealt with the Ag-Au system, which
94     has the useful property of being miscible on both solid and liquid
95     phases. Nanoparticles of another miscible system, Au-Cu, have been
96     successfully constructed using techniques such as laser
97     ablation,\cite{Malyavantham:2004cu} and the synthetic reduction of
98     metal ions in solution.\cite{Kim:2003lv} Laser induced alloying has
99     been used as a technique for creating Au-Ag alloy particles from
100 gezelter 3221 core-shell particles.\cite{Hartland:2003lr} To date, attempts at
101 gezelter 3219 creating Ag-Cu nanoparticles have used ion implantation to embed
102     nanoparticles in a glass matrix.\cite{De:1996ta,Magruder:1994rg} These
103     attempts have been largely unsuccessful in producing mixed alloy
104     nanoparticles, and instead produce phase segregated or core-shell
105     structures.
106 chuckv 3218
107 gezelter 3219 One of the more successful attempts at creating intermixed Ag-Cu
108     nanoparticles used alternate pulsed laser ablation and deposition in
109     an amorphous Al$_2$O$_3$ matrix.\cite{gonzalo:5163} Surface plasmon
110     resonance (SPR) of bimetallic core-shell structures typically show two
111     distinct resonance peaks where mixed particles show a single shifted
112     and broadened resonance.\cite{Hodak:2000rb} The SPR for pure silver
113 chuckv 3222 occurs at 400 nm and for copper at 570 nm.\cite{HengleinA._jp992950g}
114     On Al$_2$O$_3$ films, these resonances move to 424 nm and 572 nm for the pure metals. For
115 gezelter 3219 bimetallic nanoparticles with 40\% Ag an absorption peak is seen
116     between 400-550 nm. With increasing Ag content, the SPR shifts
117     towards the blue, with the peaks nearly coincident at a composition of
118 chuckv 3222 57\% Ag. Gonzalo {\it et al.} cited the existence of a single broad
119 gezelter 3219 resonance peak as evidence of a mixed alloy particle rather than a
120     phase segregated system. Unfortunately, they were unable to determine
121     whether the mixed nanoparticles were an amorphous phase or a
122     supersaturated crystalline phase. One consequence of embedding the
123     Ag-Cu nanoparticles in a glass matrix is that the SPR can be shifted
124     because of the nanoparticle-glass matrix
125     interaction.\cite{De:1996ta,Roy:2003dy}
126 chuckv 3218
127 gezelter 3219 Characterization of glassy behavior by molecular dynamics simulations
128     is typically done using dynamic measurements such as the mean squared
129     displacement, $\langle r^2(t) \rangle$. Liquids exhibit a mean squared
130     displacement that is linear in time (at long times). Glassy materials
131     deviate significantly from this linear behavior at intermediate times,
132     entering a sub-linear regime with a return to linear behavior in the
133 chuckv 3220 infinite time limit.\cite{Kob:1999fk} However, diffusion in nanoparticles
134 gezelter 3219 differs significantly from the bulk in that atoms are confined to a
135     roughly spherical volume and cannot explore any region larger than the
136     particle radius ($R$). In these confined geometries, $\langle r^2(t)
137 chuckv 3220 \rangle$ approaches a limiting value of $3R^2/40$.\cite{ShibataT._ja026764r} This limits the
138 gezelter 3219 utility of dynamical measures of glass formation when studying
139     nanoparticles.
140 chuckv 3218
141 gezelter 3219 However, glassy materials exhibit strong icosahedral ordering among
142 gezelter 3230 nearest-neghbors (in contrast with crystalline and liquid-like
143     configurations). Local icosahedral structures are the
144     three-dimensional equivalent of covering a two-dimensional plane with
145     5-sided tiles; they cannot be used to tile space in a periodic
146     fashion, and are therefore an indicator of non-periodic packing in
147     amorphous solids. Steinhart {\it et al.} defined an orientational
148     bond order parameter that is sensitive to icosahedral
149     ordering.\cite{Steinhardt:1983mo} This bond order parameter can
150     therefore be used to characterize glass formation in liquid and solid
151     solutions.\cite{wolde:9932}
152 chuckv 3218
153 gezelter 3219 Theoretical molecular dynamics studies have been performed on the
154     formation of amorphous single component nanoclusters of either
155     gold,\cite{Chen:2004ec,Cleveland:1997jb,Cleveland:1997gu} or
156     nickel,\cite{Gafner:2004bg,Qi:2001nn} by rapid cooling($\thicksim
157     10^{12}-10^{13}$ K/s) from a liquid state. All of these studies found
158     icosahedral ordering in the resulting structures produced by this
159 gezelter 3230 rapid cooling which can be evidence of the formation of an amorphous
160     structure.\cite{Strandburg:1992qy} The nearest neighbor information
161     was obtained from pair correlation functions, common neighbor analysis
162     and bond order parameters.\cite{Steinhardt:1983mo} It should be noted
163     that these studies used single component systems with cooling rates
164     that are only obtainable in computer simulations and particle sizes
165     less than 20\AA. Single component systems are known to form amorphous
166 gezelter 3219 states in small clusters,\cite{Breaux:rz} but do not generally form
167     amorphous structures in bulk materials. Icosahedral structures have
168     also been reported in nanoparticles, particularly multiply twinned
169     particles.\cite{Ascencio:2000qy}
170 chuckv 3218
171 gezelter 3219 Since the nanoscale Ag-Cu alloy has been largely unexplored, many
172     interesting questions remain about the formation and properties of
173 gezelter 3230 such a system. Does the large surface area to volume ratio aid Ag-Cu
174 gezelter 3219 nanoparticles in rapid cooling and formation of an amorphous state?
175     Would a predisposition to isosahedral ordering in nanoparticles also
176     allow for easier formation of an amorphous state and what is the
177     preferred ordering in a amorphous nanoparticle? Nanoparticles have
178     been shown to have size dependent melting
179 gezelter 3230 transition,\cite{Buffat:1976yq} so we would expect a similar trend to
180     follow for the glass transition temperature.
181 chuckv 3218
182 gezelter 3219 In the sections below, we describe our modeling of the laser
183 gezelter 3230 excitation and subsequent cooling of the particles {\it in silico} to
184     mimic real experimental conditions. The simulation parameters have
185     been tuned to the degree possible to match experimental conditions,
186     and we discusss both the icosahedral ordering in the system, as well
187     as the clustering of icosahedral centers that we observed.
188 chuckv 3218