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# User Rev Content
1 gezelter 3075 \documentclass[aps,pre,endfloats*,preprint,amssymb,showpacs]{revtex4}
2     \usepackage{epsfig}
4     \begin{document}
5     \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
6     \renewcommand{\theequation}{\arabic{section}.\arabic{equation}}
8     %\bibliographystyle{aps}
10     \title{Spontaneous Corrugation of Dipolar Membranes}
11     \author{Xiuquan Sun and J. Daniel Gezelter}
12     \email[]{E-mail:}
13     \affiliation{Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,\\
14     University of Notre Dame, \\
15     Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
17     \date{\today}
19     \begin{abstract}
20     We present a simple model for dipolar membranes that gives
21     lattice-bound point dipoles complete orientational freedom as well as
22     translational freedom along one coordinate (out of the plane of the
23     membrane). There is an additional harmonic surface tension which
24     binds each of the dipoles to the six nearest neighbors on either
25 xsun 3097 triangular or distorted lattices. The translational freedom
26     of the dipoles allows triangular lattices to find states that break out
27 gezelter 3075 of the normal orientational disorder of frustrated configurations and
28     which are stabilized by long-range antiferroelectric ordering. In
29     order to break out of the frustrated states, the dipolar membranes
30     form corrugated or ``rippled'' phases that make the lattices
31 xsun 3097 effectively non-triangular. We observe three common features of the
32 gezelter 3075 corrugated dipolar membranes: 1) the corrugated phases develop easily
33 xsun 3097 when hosted on triangular lattices, 2) the wave vectors for the surface
34 gezelter 3075 ripples are always found to be perpendicular to the dipole director
35 xsun 3097 axis, and 3) on triangular lattices, the dipole director axis is found
36 gezelter 3075 to be parallel to any of the three equivalent lattice directions.
37     \end{abstract}
39     \pacs{68.03.Hj, 82.20.Wt}
40     \maketitle
43     \section{Introduction}
44     \label{Int}
45     There has been intense recent interest in the phase behavior of
46     dipolar
47     fluids.\cite{Tlusty00,Teixeira00,Tavares02,Duncan04,Holm05,Duncan06}
48     Due to the anisotropic interactions between dipoles, dipolar fluids
49     can present anomalous phase behavior. Examples of condensed-phase
50     dipolar systems include ferrofluids, electro-rheological fluids, and
51     even biological membranes. Computer simulations have provided useful
52     information on the structural features and phase transition of the
53     dipolar fluids. Simulation results indicate that at low densities,
54     these fluids spontaneously organize into head-to-tail dipolar
55     ``chains''.\cite{Teixeira00,Holm05} At low temperatures, these chains
56     and rings prevent the occurrence of a liquid-gas phase transition.
57     However, Tlusty and Safran showed that there is a defect-induced phase
58     separation into a low-density ``chain'' phase and a higher density
59     Y-defect phase.\cite{Tlusty00} Recently, inspired by experimental
60     studies on monolayers of dipolar fluids, theoretical models using
61     two-dimensional dipolar soft spheres have appeared in the literature.
62     Tavares {\it et al.} tested their theory for chain and ring length
63     distributions in two dimensions and carried out Monte Carlo
64     simulations in the low-density phase.\cite{Tavares02} Duncan and Camp
65     performed dynamical simulations on two-dimensional dipolar fluids to
66     study transport and orientational dynamics in these
67     systems.\cite{Duncan04} They have recently revisited two-dimensional
68     systems to study the kinetic conditions for the defect-induced
69     condensation into the Y-defect phase.\cite{Duncan06}
71     Although they are not traditionally classified as 2-dimensional
72     dipolar fluids, hydrated lipids aggregate spontaneously to form
73     bilayers which exhibit a variety of phases depending on their
74     temperatures and compositions. At high temperatures, the fluid
75     ($L_{\alpha}$) phase of Phosphatidylcholine (PC) lipids closely
76     resembles a dipolar fluid. However, at lower temperatures, packing of
77     the molecules becomes important, and the translational freedom of
78     lipid molecules is thought to be substantially restricted. A
79     corrugated or ``rippled'' phase ($P_{\beta'}$) appears as an
80     intermediate phase between the gel ($L_\beta$) and fluid
81     ($L_{\alpha}$) phases for relatively pure phosphatidylcholine (PC)
82     bilayers. The $P_{\beta'}$ phase has attracted substantial
83     experimental interest over the past 30 years. Most structural
84     information of the ripple phase has been obtained by the X-ray
85     diffraction~\cite{Sun96,Katsaras00} and freeze-fracture electron
86     microscopy (FFEM).~\cite{Copeland80,Meyer96} Recently, Kaasgaard {\it
87     et al.} used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to observe ripple phase
88     morphology in bilayers supported on mica.~\cite{Kaasgaard03} The
89     experimental results provide strong support for a 2-dimensional
90 xsun 3097 triangular packing lattice of the lipid molecules within the ripple
91 gezelter 3075 phase. This is a notable change from the observed lipid packing
92     within the gel phase.~\cite{Cevc87}
94     Although the results of dipolar fluid simulations can not be directly
95     mapped onto the phases of lipid bilayers, the rich behaviors exhibited
96     by simple dipolar models can give us some insight into the corrugation
97     phenomenon of the $P_{\beta'}$ phase. There have been a number of
98     theoretical approaches (and some heroic simulations) undertaken to try
99     to explain this phase, but to date, none have looked specifically at
100     the contribution of the dipolar character of the lipid head groups
101     towards this corrugation. Before we present our simple model, we will
102     briefly survey the previous theoretical work on this topic.
104     The theoretical models that have been put forward to explain the
105     formation of the $P_{\beta'}$ phase have presented a number of
106     conflicting but intriguing explanations. Marder {\it et al.} used a
107     curvature-dependent Landau-de Gennes free-energy functional to predict
108     a rippled phase.~\cite{Marder84} This model and other related
109     continuum models predict higher fluidity in convex regions and that
110     concave portions of the membrane correspond to more solid-like
111     regions. Carlson and Sethna used a packing-competition model (in
112     which head groups and chains have competing packing energetics) to
113     predict the formation of a ripple-like phase. Their model predicted
114     that the high-curvature portions have lower-chain packing and
115     correspond to more fluid-like regions. Goldstein and Leibler used a
116     mean-field approach with a planar model for {\em inter-lamellar}
117     interactions to predict rippling in multilamellar
118     phases.~\cite{Goldstein88} McCullough and Scott proposed that the {\em
119     anisotropy of the nearest-neighbor interactions} coupled to
120     hydrophobic constraining forces which restrict height differences
121     between nearest neighbors is the origin of the ripple
122     phase.~\cite{McCullough90} Lubensky and MacKintosh introduced a Landau
123     theory for tilt order and curvature of a single membrane and concluded
124     that {\em coupling of molecular tilt to membrane curvature} is
125     responsible for the production of ripples.~\cite{Lubensky93} Misbah,
126     Duplat and Houchmandzadeh proposed that {\em inter-layer dipolar
127     interactions} can lead to ripple instabilities.~\cite{Misbah98}
128     Heimburg presented a {\em coexistence model} for ripple formation in
129     which he postulates that fluid-phase line defects cause sharp
130     curvature between relatively flat gel-phase regions.~\cite{Heimburg00}
131     Kubica has suggested that a lattice model of polar head groups could
132     be valuable in trying to understand bilayer phase
133     formation.~\cite{Kubica02} Bannerjee used Monte Carlo simulations of
134 xsun 3097 lamellar stacks of triangular lattices to show that large headgroups
135 gezelter 3075 and molecular tilt with respect to the membrane normal vector can
136     cause bulk rippling.~\cite{Bannerjee02}
138     Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations have also been performed on
139     rippled phases using united atom as well as molecular scale
140     models. De~Vries {\it et al.} studied the structure of lecithin ripple
141     phases via molecular dynamics and their simulations seem to support
142     the coexistence models (i.e. fluid-like chain dynamics was observed in
143     the kink regions).~\cite{deVries05} A similar coarse-grained approach
144     has been used to study the line tension of bilayer
145     edges.\cite{Jiang04,deJoannis06} Ayton and Voth have found significant
146     undulations in zero-surface-tension states of membranes simulated via
147     dissipative particle dynamics, but their results are consistent with
148     purely thermal undulations.~\cite{Ayton02} Brannigan, Tamboli and
149     Brown have used a molecular scale model to elucidate the role of
150     molecular shape on membrane phase behavior and
151     elasticity.~\cite{Brannigan04b} They have also observed a buckled
152     hexatic phase with strong tail and moderate alignment
153     attractions.~\cite{Brannigan04a}
155     The problem with using atomistic and even coarse-grained approaches to
156     study this phenomenon is that only a relatively small number of
157     periods of the corrugation (i.e. one or two) can be realistically
158     simulated given current technology. Also, simulations of lipid
159     bilayers are traditionally carried out with periodic boundary
160     conditions in two or three dimensions and these have the potential to
161     enhance the periodicity of the system at that wavelength. To avoid
162     this pitfall, we are using a model which allows us to have
163     sufficiently large systems so that we are not causing artificial
164     corrugation through the use of periodic boundary conditions.
166     At the other extreme in density from the traditional simulations of
167     dipolar fluids is the behavior of dipoles locked on regular lattices.
168     Ferroelectric states (with long-range dipolar order) can be observed
169 xsun 3097 in dipolar systems with non-triangular packings. However, {\em
170     triangularly}-packed 2-D dipolar systems are inherently frustrated and
171 gezelter 3075 one would expect a dipolar-disordered phase to be the lowest free
172     energy configuration. Therefore, it would seem unlikely that a
173     frustrated lattice in a dipolar-disordered state could exhibit the
174     long-range periodicity in the range of 100-600 \AA (as exhibited in
175     the ripple phases studied by Kaasgard {\it et
176     al.}).~\cite{Kaasgaard03}
178     Is there an intermediate model between the low-density dipolar fluids
179     and the rigid lattice models which has the potential to exhibit the
180     corrugation phenomenon of the $P_{\beta'}$ phase? What we present
181     here is an attempt to find a simple dipolar model which will exhibit
182     this behavior. We are using a modified XYZ lattice model; details of
183     the model can be found in section
184     \ref{sec:model}, results of Monte Carlo simulations using this model
185     are presented in section
186     \ref{sec:results}, and section \ref{sec:discussion} contains our conclusions.
188     \section{2-D Dipolar Membrane}
189     \label{sec:model}
191     The point of developing this model was to arrive at the simplest
192     possible theoretical model which could exhibit spontaneous corrugation
193     of a two-dimensional dipolar medium. Since molecules in the ripple
194     phase have limited translational freedom, we have chosen a lattice to
195     support the dipoles in the x-y plane. The lattice may be either
196 xsun 3097 triangular (lattice constants $a/b = \sqrt{3}$) or distorted.
197 gezelter 3075 However, each dipole has 3 degrees of freedom. They may move freely
198     {\em out} of the x-y plane (along the $z$ axis), and they have
199     complete orientational freedom ($0 <= \theta <= \pi$, $0 <= \phi < 2
200     \pi$). This is essentially a modified X-Y-Z model with translational
201     freedom along the z-axis.
203     The potential energy of the system,
204     \begin{equation}
205     V = \sum_i \left( \sum_{j \in NN_i}^6
206     \frac{k_r}{2}\left( r_{ij}-\sigma \right)^2 + \sum_{j>i} \frac{|\mu|^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r_{ij}^3} \left[
207     {\mathbf{\hat u}_i} \cdot {\mathbf{\hat u}_j} -
208     3({\mathbf{\hat u}_i} \cdot {\mathbf{\hat
209     r}_{ij}})({\mathbf{\hat u}_j} \cdot {\mathbf{\hat r}_{ij}})\right]
210     \right)
211     \label{eq:pot}
212     \end{equation}
214     In this potential, $\mathbf{\hat u}_i$ is the unit vector pointing
215     along dipole $i$ and $\mathbf{\hat r}_{ij}$ is the unit vector
216     pointing along the inter-dipole vector $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$. The entire
217     potential is governed by three parameters, the dipolar strength
218     ($\mu$), the harmonic spring constant ($k_r$) and the preferred
219     intermolecular spacing ($\sigma$). In practice, we set the value of
220     $\sigma$ to the average inter-molecular spacing from the planar
221     lattice, yielding a potential model that has only two parameters for a
222     particular choice of lattice constants $a$ (along the $x$-axis) and
223     $b$ (along the $y$-axis). We also define a set of reduced parameters
224     based on the length scale ($\sigma$) and the energy of the harmonic
225     potential at a deformation of 2 $\sigma$ ($\epsilon = k_r \sigma^2 /
226     2$). Using these two constants, we perform our calculations using
227     reduced distances, ($r^{*} = r / \sigma$), temperatures ($T^{*} = 2
228     k_B T / k_r \sigma^2$), densities ($\rho^{*} = N \sigma^2 / L_x L_y$),
229     and dipole moments ($\mu^{*} = \mu / \sqrt{4 \pi \epsilon_0 \sigma^5
230     k_r / 2}$).
232     To investigate the phase behavior of this model, we have performed a
233     series of Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations of moderately-sized (34.3
234 xsun 3097 $\sigma$ on a side) patches of membrane hosted on both triangular
235     ($\gamma = a/b = \sqrt{3}$) and distorted ($\gamma \neq \sqrt{3}$)
236 gezelter 3075 lattices. The linear extent of one edge of the monolayer was $20 a$
237     and the system was kept roughly square. The average distance that
238     coplanar dipoles were positioned from their six nearest neighbors was
239 xsun 3097 1 $\sigma$ (on both triangular and distorted lattices). Typical
240     system sizes were 1360 dipoles for the triangular lattices and
241     840-2800 dipoles for the distorted lattices. Two-dimensional periodic
242     boundary conditions were used, and the cutoff for the dipole-dipole
243     interaction was set to 4.3 $\sigma$. Since dipole-dipole interactions
244     decay rapidly with distance, and since the intrinsic three-dimensional
245     periodicity of the Ewald sum can give artifacts in 2-d systems, we
246     have chosen not to use it in these calculations. Although the Ewald
247     sum has been reformulated to handle 2-D
248     systems,\cite{Parry75,Parry76,Heyes77,deLeeuw79,Rhee89} these methods
249     are computationally expensive,\cite{Spohr97,Yeh99} and are not
250     necessary in this case. All parameters ($T^{*}$, $\mu^{*}$, and
251     $\gamma$) were varied systematically to study the effects of these
252     parameters on the formation of ripple-like phases.
253 gezelter 3075
254     \section{Results and Analysis}
255     \label{sec:results}
257     \subsection{Dipolar Ordering and Coexistence Temperatures}
258     The principal method for observing the orientational ordering
259     transition in dipolar systems is the $P_2$ order parameter (defined as
260     $1.5 \times \lambda_{max}$, where $\lambda_{max}$ is the largest
261     eigenvalue of the matrix,
262     \begin{equation}
263     {\mathsf{S}} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_i \left(
264     \begin{array}{ccc}
265     u^{x}_i u^{x}_i-\frac{1}{3} & u^{x}_i u^{y}_i & u^{x}_i u^{z}_i \\
266     u^{y}_i u^{x}_i & u^{y}_i u^{y}_i -\frac{1}{3} & u^{y}_i u^{z}_i \\
267     u^{z}_i u^{x}_i & u^{z}_i u^{y}_i & u^{z}_i u^{z}_i -\frac{1}{3}
268     \end{array} \right).
269     \label{eq:opmatrix}
270     \end{equation}
271     Here $u^{\alpha}_i$ is the $\alpha=x,y,z$ component of the unit vector
272     for dipole $i$. $P_2$ will be $1.0$ for a perfectly-ordered system
273     and near $0$ for a randomized system. Note that this order parameter
274     is {\em not} equal to the polarization of the system. For example,
275     the polarization of the perfect antiferroelectric system is $0$, but
276     $P_2$ for an antiferroelectric system is $1$. The eigenvector of
277     $\mathsf{S}$ corresponding to the largest eigenvalue is familiar as
278     the director axis, which can be used to determine a privileged dipolar
279     axis for dipole-ordered systems. The top panel in Fig. \ref{phase}
280     shows the values of $P_2$ as a function of temperature for both
281 xsun 3097 triangular ($\gamma = 1.732$) and distorted ($\gamma=1.875$)
282 gezelter 3075 lattices.
284     \begin{figure}[ht]
285     \centering
286     \caption{Top panel: The $P_2$ dipolar order parameter as a function of
287 xsun 3097 temperature for both triangular ($\gamma = 1.732$) and distorted
288 gezelter 3075 ($\gamma = 1.875$) lattices. Bottom Panel: The phase diagram for the
289     dipolar membrane model. The line denotes the division between the
290     dipolar ordered (antiferroelectric) and disordered phases. An
291 xsun 3097 enlarged view near the triangular lattice is shown inset.}
292 gezelter 3075 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{phase.pdf}
293     \label{phase}
294     \end{figure}
296     There is a clear order-disorder transition in evidence from this data.
297 xsun 3097 Both the triangular and distorted lattices have dipolar-ordered
298 gezelter 3075 low-temperature phases, and orientationally-disordered high
299 xsun 3097 temperature phases. The coexistence temperature for the triangular
300     lattice is significantly lower than for the distorted lattices, and
301     the bulk polarization is approximately $0$ for both dipolar ordered
302     and disordered phases. This gives strong evidence that the dipolar
303     ordered phase is antiferroelectric. We have verified that this
304     dipolar ordering transition is not a function of system size by
305     performing identical calculations with systems twice as large. The
306     transition is equally smooth at all system sizes that were studied.
307     Additionally, we have repeated the Monte Carlo simulations over a wide
308     range of lattice ratios ($\gamma$) to generate a dipolar
309     order/disorder phase diagram. The bottom panel in Fig. \ref{phase}
310     shows that the triangular lattice is a low-temperature cusp in the
311     $T^{*}-\gamma$ phase diagram.
312 gezelter 3075
313     This phase diagram is remarkable in that it shows an antiferroelectric
314     phase near $\gamma=1.732$ where one would expect lattice frustration
315     to result in disordered phases at all temperatures. Observations of
316     the configurations in this phase show clearly that the system has
317     accomplished dipolar orderering by forming large ripple-like
318     structures. We have observed antiferroelectric ordering in all three
319 xsun 3097 of the equivalent directions on the triangular lattice, and the dipoles
320 gezelter 3075 have been observed to organize perpendicular to the membrane normal
321     (in the plane of the membrane). It is particularly interesting to
322     note that the ripple-like structures have also been observed to
323     propagate in the three equivalent directions on the lattice, but the
324     {\em direction of ripple propagation is always perpendicular to the
325     dipole director axis}. A snapshot of a typical antiferroelectric
326     rippled structure is shown in Fig. \ref{fig:snapshot}.
328     \begin{figure}[ht]
329     \centering
330     \caption{Top and Side views of a representative configuration for the
331 xsun 3097 dipolar ordered phase supported on the triangular lattice. Note the
332 gezelter 3075 antiferroelectric ordering and the long wavelength buckling of the
333     membrane. Dipolar ordering has been observed in all three equivalent
334 xsun 3097 directions on the triangular lattice, and the ripple direction is
335 gezelter 3075 always perpendicular to the director axis for the dipoles.}
336     \includegraphics[width=5.5in]{snapshot.pdf}
337     \label{fig:snapshot}
338     \end{figure}
340 xsun 3097 Although the snapshot in Fig. \ref{fig:snapshot} gives the appearance
341     of three-row stair-like structures, these appear to be transient. On
342     average, the corrugation of the membrane is a relatively smooth,
343     long-wavelength phenomenon, with occasional steep drops between
344     adjacent lines of anti-aligned dipoles.
346     The height-dipole correlation function ($C(r, \cos \theta)$) makes the
347     connection between dipolar ordering and the wave vector of the ripple
348     even more explicit. $C(r, \cos \theta)$ is an angle-dependent pair
349     distribution function. The angle ($\theta$) is defined by the
350     intermolecular vector $\vec{r}_{ij}$ and dipolar-axis of atom $i$,
351     \begin{equation}
352     C(r, \cos \theta) = \langle \sum_{i}
353     \sum_{j} h_i \cdot h_j \delta(r - r_{ij}) \delta(\cos \theta_{ij} - \cos \theta)\rangle / \langle h^2 \rangle
354     \end{equation}
355     where $\cos \theta_{ij} = \hat{\mu}_{i} \cdot \hat{r}_{ij}$ and
356     $\hat{r}_{ij} = \vec{r}_{ij} / r_{ij}$. Fig. \ref{fig:CrossCorrelation}
357     shows contours of this correlation function for both anti-ferroelectric, rippled
358     membranes as well as for the dipole-disordered portion of the phase diagram.
360     \begin{figure}[ht]
361     \centering
362     \caption{Contours of the height-dipole correlation function as a function
363     of the dot product between the dipole ($\hat{\mu}$) and inter-dipole
364     separation vector ($\hat{r}$) and the distance ($r$) between the dipoles.
365     Perfect height correlation (contours approaching 1) are present in the
366     ordered phase when the two dipoles are in the same head-to-tail line.
367     Anti-correlation (contours below 0) is only seen when the inter-dipole
368     vector is perpendicular to the dipoles. In the dipole-disordered portion
369     of the phase diagram, there is only weak correlation in the dipole direction
370     and this correlation decays rapidly to zero for intermolecular vectors that are
371     not dipole-aligned.}
372     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{height-dipole-correlation.pdf}
373     \label{fig:CrossCorrelation}
374     \end{figure}
376 gezelter 3075 \subsection{Discriminating Ripples from Thermal Undulations}
378     In order to be sure that the structures we have observed are actually
379     a rippled phase and not simply thermal undulations, we have computed
380     the undulation spectrum,
381     \begin{equation}
382     h(\vec{q}) = A^{-1/2} \int d\vec{r}
383     h(\vec{r}) e^{-i \vec{q}\cdot\vec{r}}
384     \end{equation}
385     where $h(\vec{r})$ is the height of the membrane at location $\vec{r}
386 xsun 3097 = (x,y)$.~\cite{Safran94,Seifert97} In simple (and more complicated)
387     elastic continuum models, it can shown that in the $NVT$ ensemble, the
388     absolute value of the undulation spectrum can be written,
389 gezelter 3075 \begin{equation}
390     \langle | h(q)|^2 \rangle_{NVT} = \frac{k_B T}{k_c |\vec{q}|^4 +
391     \tilde{\gamma}|\vec{q}|^2},
392     \label{eq:fit}
393     \end{equation}
394     where $k_c$ is the bending modulus for the membrane, and
395 xsun 3097 $\tilde{\gamma}$ is the mechanical surface tension.~\cite{Safran94}
396     The systems studied in this paper have essentially zero bending moduli
397     ($k_c$) and relatively large mechanical surface tensions
398     ($\tilde{\gamma}$), so a much simpler form can be written,
399     \begin{equation}
400     \langle | h(q)|^2 \rangle_{NVT} = \frac{k_B T}{\tilde{\gamma}|\vec{q}|^2},
401     \label{eq:fit2}
402     \end{equation}
403 gezelter 3075
404     The undulation spectrum is computed by superimposing a rectangular
405     grid on top of the membrane, and by assigning height ($h(\vec{r})$)
406     values to the grid from the average of all dipoles that fall within a
407     given $\vec{r}+d\vec{r}$ grid area. Empty grid pixels are assigned
408     height values by interpolation from the nearest neighbor pixels. A
409     standard 2-d Fourier transform is then used to obtain $\langle |
410 xsun 3097 h(q)|^2 \rangle$. Alternatively, since the dipoles sit on a Bravais
411     lattice, one could use the heights of the lattice points themselves as
412     the grid for the Fourier transform (without interpolating to a square
413     grid). However, if lateral translational freedom is added to this
414     model, an interpolated method for computing undulation spectra will be
415     required.
416 gezelter 3075
417 xsun 3097 As mentioned above, the best fits to our undulation spectra are
418     obtained by approximating the value of $k_c$ to 0. In
419 gezelter 3075 Fig. \ref{fig:fit} we show typical undulation spectra for two
420     different regions of the phase diagram along with their fits from the
421 xsun 3097 Landau free energy approach (Eq. \ref{eq:fit2}). In the
422 gezelter 3075 high-temperature disordered phase, the Landau fits can be nearly
423 xsun 3097 perfect, and from these fits we can estimate the tension in the
424     surface.
425 gezelter 3075
426 xsun 3097 For the dipolar-ordered triangular lattice near the coexistence
427 gezelter 3075 temperature, however, we observe long wavelength undulations that are
428     far outliers to the fits. That is, the Landau free energy fits are
429 xsun 3097 well within error bars for most of the other points, but can be off by
430     {\em orders of magnitude} for a few low frequency components.
431 gezelter 3075
432     We interpret these outliers as evidence that these low frequency modes
433     are {\em non-thermal undulations}. We take this as evidence that we
434     are actually seeing a rippled phase developing in this model system.
436     \begin{figure}[ht]
437     \centering
438     \caption{Evidence that the observed ripples are {\em not} thermal
439     undulations is obtained from the 2-d fourier transform $\langle
440     |h^{*}(\vec{q})|^2 \rangle$ of the height profile ($\langle h^{*}(x,y)
441     \rangle$). Rippled samples show low-wavelength peaks that are
442     outliers on the Landau free energy fits. Samples exhibiting only
443     thermal undulations fit Eq. \ref{eq:fit} remarkably well.}
444 xsun 3097 \includegraphics[width=5.5in]{logFit.pdf}
445 gezelter 3075 \label{fig:fit}
446     \end{figure}
448     \subsection{Effects of Potential Parameters on Amplitude and Wavelength}
450     We have used two different methods to estimate the amplitude and
451     periodicity of the ripples. The first method requires projection of
452     the ripples onto a one dimensional rippling axis. Since the rippling
453     is always perpendicular to the dipole director axis, we can define a
454     ripple vector as follows. The largest eigenvector, $s_1$, of the
455     $\mathsf{S}$ matrix in Eq. \ref{eq:opmatrix} is projected onto a
456     planar director axis,
457     \begin{equation}
458     \vec{d} = \left(\begin{array}{c}
459     \vec{s}_1 \cdot \hat{i} \\
460     \vec{s}_1 \cdot \hat{j} \\
461     0
462     \end{array} \right).
463     \end{equation}
464     ($\hat{i}$, $\hat{j}$ and $\hat{k}$ are unit vectors along the $x$,
465     $y$, and $z$ axes, respectively.) The rippling axis is in the plane of
466     the membrane and is perpendicular to the planar director axis,
467     \begin{equation}
468     \vec{q}_{\mathrm{rip}} = \vec{d} \times \hat{k}
469     \end{equation}
470     We can then find the height profile of the membrane along the ripple
471     axis by projecting heights of the dipoles to obtain a one-dimensional
472     height profile, $h(q_{\mathrm{rip}})$. Ripple wavelengths can be
473     estimated from the largest non-thermal low-frequency component in the
474     fourier transform of $h(q_{\mathrm{rip}})$. Amplitudes can be
475     estimated by measuring peak-to-trough distances in
476     $h(q_{\mathrm{rip}})$ itself.
478     A second, more accurate, and simpler method for estimating ripple
479     shape is to extract the wavelength and height information directly
480     from the largest non-thermal peak in the undulation spectrum. For
481     large-amplitude ripples, the two methods give similar results. The
482     one-dimensional projection method is more prone to noise (particularly
483 xsun 3097 in the amplitude estimates for the distorted lattices). We report
484 gezelter 3075 amplitudes and wavelengths taken directly from the undulation spectrum
485     below.
487 xsun 3097 In the triangular lattice ($\gamma = \sqrt{3}$), the rippling is
488 gezelter 3075 observed for temperatures ($T^{*}$) from $61-122$. The wavelength of
489     the ripples is remarkably stable at 21.4~$\sigma$ for all but the
490     temperatures closest to the order-disorder transition. At $T^{*} =
491     122$, the wavelength drops to 17.1~$\sigma$.
493     The dependence of the amplitude on temperature is shown in the top
494     panel of Fig. \ref{fig:Amplitude}. The rippled structures shrink
495     smoothly as the temperature rises towards the order-disorder
496     transition. The wavelengths and amplitudes we observe are
497     surprisingly close to the $\Lambda / 2$ phase observed by Kaasgaard
498     {\it et al.} in their work on PC-based lipids.\cite{Kaasgaard03}
499     However, this is coincidental agreement based on a choice of 7~\AA~as
500     the mean spacing between lipids.
502     \begin{figure}[ht]
503     \centering
504     \caption{a) The amplitude $A^{*}$ of the ripples vs. temperature for a
505 xsun 3097 triangular lattice. b) The amplitude $A^{*}$ of the ripples vs. dipole
506     strength ($\mu^{*}$) for both the triangular lattice (circles) and
507     distorted lattice (squares). The reduced temperatures were kept
508     fixed at $T^{*} = 94$ for the triangular lattice and $T^{*} = 106$ for
509     the distorted lattice (approximately 2/3 of the order-disorder
510 gezelter 3075 transition temperature for each lattice).}
511     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{properties_sq.pdf}
512     \label{fig:Amplitude}
513     \end{figure}
515     The ripples can be made to disappear by increasing the internal
516     surface tension (i.e. by increasing $k_r$ or equivalently, reducing
517     the dipole moment). The amplitude of the ripples depends critically
518     on the strength of the dipole moments ($\mu^{*}$) in Eq. \ref{eq:pot}.
519     If the dipoles are weakened substantially (below $\mu^{*}$ = 20) at a
520     fixed temperature of 94, the membrane loses dipolar ordering
521     and the ripple structures. The ripples reach a peak amplitude of
522     3.7~$\sigma$ at a dipolar strength of 25. We show the dependence
523     of ripple amplitude on the dipolar strength in
524     Fig. \ref{fig:Amplitude}.
526 xsun 3097 \subsection{Distorted lattices}
527 gezelter 3075
528     We have also investigated the effect of the lattice geometry by
529     changing the ratio of lattice constants ($\gamma$) while keeping the
530     average nearest-neighbor spacing constant. The antiferroelectric state
531     is accessible for all $\gamma$ values we have used, although the
532 xsun 3097 distorted triangular lattices prefer a particular director axis due to
533 gezelter 3075 the anisotropy of the lattice.
535 xsun 3097 Our observation of rippling behavior was not limited to the triangular
536     lattices. In distorted lattices the antiferroelectric phase can
537 gezelter 3075 develop nearly instantaneously in the Monte Carlo simulations, and
538     these dipolar-ordered phases tend to be remarkably flat. Whenever
539 xsun 3097 rippling has been observed in these distorted lattices
540 gezelter 3075 (e.g. $\gamma = 1.875$), we see relatively short ripple wavelengths
541     (14 $\sigma$) and amplitudes of 2.4~$\sigma$. These ripples are
542     weakly dependent on dipolar strength (see Fig. \ref{fig:Amplitude}),
543     although below a dipolar strength of $\mu^{*} = 20$, the membrane
544     loses dipolar ordering and displays only thermal undulations.
546     The ripple phase does {\em not} appear at all values of $\gamma$. We
547     have only observed non-thermal undulations in the range $1.625 <
548     \gamma < 1.875$. Outside this range, the order-disorder transition in
549     the dipoles remains, but the ordered dipolar phase has only thermal
550     undulations. This is one of our strongest pieces of evidence that
551 xsun 3097 rippling is a symmetry-breaking phenomenon for triangular and
552     nearly-triangular lattices.
553 gezelter 3075
554     \subsection{Effects of System Size}
555     To evaluate the effect of finite system size, we have performed a
556 xsun 3097 series of simulations on the triangular lattice at a reduced
557 gezelter 3075 temperature of 122, which is just below the order-disorder transition
558     temperature ($T^{*} = 139$). These conditions are in the
559     dipole-ordered and rippled portion of the phase diagram. These are
560     also the conditions that should be most susceptible to system size
561     effects.
563     \begin{figure}[ht]
564     \centering
565     \caption{The ripple wavelength (top) and amplitude (bottom) as a
566 xsun 3097 function of system size for a triangular lattice ($\gamma=1.732$) at $T^{*} =
567 gezelter 3075 122$.}
568     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SystemSize.pdf}
569     \label{fig:systemsize}
570     \end{figure}
572     There is substantial dependence on system size for small (less than
573     29~$\sigma$) periodic boxes. Notably, there are resonances apparent
574     in the ripple amplitudes at box lengths of 17.3 and 29.5 $\sigma$.
575     For larger systems, the behavior of the ripples appears to have
576     stabilized and is on a trend to slightly smaller amplitudes (and
577     slightly longer wavelengths) than were observed from the 34.3 $\sigma$
578     box sizes that were used for most of the calculations.
580     It is interesting to note that system sizes which are multiples of the
581     default ripple wavelength can enhance the amplitude of the observed
582     ripples, but appears to have only a minor effect on the observed
583     wavelength. It would, of course, be better to use system sizes that
584     were many multiples of the ripple wavelength to be sure that the
585     periodic box is not driving the phenomenon, but at the largest system
586     size studied (70 $\sigma$ $\times$ 70 $\sigma$), the number of dipoles
587     (5440) made long Monte Carlo simulations prohibitively expensive.
589     \section{Discussion}
590     \label{sec:discussion}
592     We have been able to show that a simple dipolar lattice model which
593     contains only molecular packing (from the lattice), anisotropy (in the
594     form of electrostatic dipoles) and a weak surface tension (in the form
595     of a nearest-neighbor harmonic potential) is capable of exhibiting
596     stable long-wavelength non-thermal surface corrugations. The best
597     explanation for this behavior is that the ability of the dipoles to
598     translate out of the plane of the membrane is enough to break the
599 xsun 3097 symmetry of the triangular lattice and allow the energetic benefit from
600 gezelter 3075 the formation of a bulk antiferroelectric phase. Were the weak
601     surface tension absent from our model, it would be possible for the
602     entire lattice to ``tilt'' using $z$-translation. Tilting the lattice
603 xsun 3097 in this way would yield an effectively non-triangular lattice which
604 gezelter 3075 would avoid dipolar frustration altogether. With the surface tension
605     in place, bulk tilt causes a large strain, and the simplest way to
606     release this strain is along line defects. Line defects will result
607     in rippled or sawtooth patterns in the membrane, and allow small
608     ``stripes'' of membrane to form antiferroelectric regions that are
609     tilted relative to the averaged membrane normal.
611     Although the dipole-dipole interaction is the major driving force for
612     the long range orientational ordered state, the formation of the
613     stable, smooth ripples is a result of the competition between the
614     surface tension and the dipole-dipole interactions. This statement is
615     supported by the variation in $\mu^{*}$. Substantially weaker dipoles
616     relative to the surface tension can cause the corrugated phase to
617     disappear.
619 xsun 3097 The packing of the dipoles into a nearly-triangular lattice is clearly
620 gezelter 3075 an important piece of the puzzle. The dipolar head groups of lipid
621     molecules are sterically (as well as electrostatically) anisotropic,
622 xsun 3097 and would not be able to pack in triangular arrangements without the
623     steric interference of adjacent molecular bodies. Since we only see
624     rippled phases in the neighborhood of $\gamma=\sqrt{3}$, this implies
625     that there is a role played by the lipid chains in the organization of
626     the triangularly ordered phases which support ripples in realistic
627     lipid bilayers.
628 gezelter 3075
629     The most important prediction we can make using the results from this
630     simple model is that if dipolar ordering is driving the surface
631     corrugation, the wave vectors for the ripples should always found to
632     be {\it perpendicular} to the dipole director axis. This prediction
633     should suggest experimental designs which test whether this is really
634     true in the phosphatidylcholine $P_{\beta'}$ phases. The dipole
635     director axis should also be easily computable for the all-atom and
636     coarse-grained simulations that have been published in the literature.
638     Our other observation about the ripple and dipolar directionality is
639     that the dipole director axis can be found to be parallel to any of
640 xsun 3097 the three equivalent lattice vectors in the triangular lattice.
641 gezelter 3075 Defects in the ordering of the dipoles can cause the dipole director
642     (and consequently the surface corrugation) of small regions to be
643     rotated relative to each other by 120$^{\circ}$. This is a similar
644     behavior to the domain rotation seen in the AFM studies of Kaasgaard
645     {\it et al.}\cite{Kaasgaard03}
647     Although our model is simple, it exhibits some rich and unexpected
648     behaviors. It would clearly be a closer approximation to the reality
649     if we allowed greater translational freedom to the dipoles and
650     replaced the somewhat artificial lattice packing and the harmonic
651     ``surface tension'' with more realistic molecular modeling
652     potentials. What we have done is to present an extremely simple model
653     which exhibits bulk non-thermal corrugation, and our explanation of
654     this rippling phenomenon will help us design more accurate molecular
655     models for corrugated membranes and experiments to test whether
656     rippling is dipole-driven or not.
657     \clearpage
658     \bibliography{ripple}
659     \printfigures
660     \end{document}