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Committed: Tue May 31 20:43:32 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by xsun
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changed the abstract of the paper

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# User Rev Content
1 gezelter 2143 \documentclass[12pt]{article}
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5 gezelter 2143 \usepackage{times}
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19     \begin{document}
21 xsun 2254 \title{Symmetry breaking and the Ripple phase}
22 xsun 2138 \author{Xiuquan Sun and J. Daniel Gezelter\footnote{Corresponding author. Email:} \\
23     Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry \\
24     University of Notre Dame \\
25     Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
27 gezelter 2143 \date{\today}
29 xsun 2138 \maketitle
31     \begin{abstract}
32 xsun 2254 The ripple phase in phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers has never been
33     explained. Our group has developed some simple (XYZ) spin-lattice
34     models that allow spins to vary their elevation as well as their
35     orientation. The extra degree of freedom allows hexagonal lattices of
36     spins to find states that break out of the normally frustrated
37     randomized states and are stabilized by long-range anti-ferroelectric
38     ordering. To break out of the frustrated states, the spins must form
39     ``rippled'' phases that make the lattices effectively non-hexagonal. Our
40     XYZ models contain surface tension and dipole-dipole interactions to
41     describe the interaction potential for monolayers and bilayers of
42     model lipid molecules. The existence of the ripples depends primarily
43     on the strength and lattice spacing of the dipoles, while the shape
44     (wavelength and amplitude) of the ripples is only weakly sensitive to
45     the applied surface tension. Additionally, the wave vector for the
46     ripple is always perpendicular to the director axis for the
47     dipoles. Non-hexagonal lattices of dipoles are not inherently
48     frustrated, and are therefore less likely to form ripple phases
49     because they can easily form low-energy anti-ferroelectric states.
50     Indeed, we see that the dipolar order-disorder transition is
51     substantially lower for hexagonal lattices and the ordered phase for
52     this lattice is clearly rippled.
53 xsun 2138 \end{abstract}
55     \section{Introduction}
56     \label{Int}
57 gezelter 2143
58 xsun 2138 Fully hydrated lipids will aggregate spontaneously to form bilayers
59     which exhibit a variety of phases according to temperature and
60     composition. Among these phases, a periodic rippled
61     phase---($P_{\beta'}$) phase is found as an intermediate phase during
62     the phase transition. This ripple phase can be obtained through either
63     cooling the lipids from fluid ($L_{\beta'}$) phase or heating from gel
64     ($L_\beta$) phase. The ripple phase attracts lots of researches from
65     chemists in the past 30 years. Most structural information of the
66     ripple phase was obtained by the X-ray diffraction and freeze-fracture
67     electron microscopy
68     (FFEM)\cite{Copeland80,Meyer96,Sun96,Katsaras00}. Recently, atomic
69     force microscopy (AFM) is used as one of these
70     tools\cite{Kaasgaard03}. All these experimental results strongly
71     support a 2-Dimensional hexagonal packing lattice for the ripple phase
72     which is different to the gel phase. Numerous models were built to
73     explain the formation of the ripple
74     phase\cite{Goldstein88,McCullough90,Lubensky93,Tieleman96,Misbah98,Heimburg00,Kubica02,Banerjee02}. However,
75     the origin of the ripple phase is still on debate. The behavior of
76     the dipolar materials in the bulk attracts lots of
77     interests\cite{Luttinger46,Weis92,Ayton95,Ayton97}. The
78     ferroelectric state is observed for this kind of system, however, the
79     frustrated state is found in the 2-D hexagonal lattice of the dipolar
80     materials, the long range orientational ordered state can not be
81     formed in this situation. The experimental results show that the
82     periodicity of the ripples is in the range of 100-600 \AA
83     \cite{Kaasgaard03}, it is a pretty long range ordered state. So, we
84     may ask ourselves: {\it ``How could this long range ordered state be
85     formed in a hexagonal lattice surface?''} We addressed this problem
86     for a dipolar monolayer using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation.
88     \section{Model and calculation method}
89     \label{Mod}
91 gezelter 2143 The model used in our simulations is shown in Fig. \ref{fmod1} and
92     Fig. \ref{fmod2}.
94 xsun 2138 \begin{figure}
95     \centering
96     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{picture/lattice.eps}
97     \caption{The modified X-Y-Z model in the simulations. The dipoles are
98     represented by the arrows. Dipoles are locked to the lattice points
99     in x-y plane and connect to their nearest neighbors with harmonic
100     potentials.}
101     \label{fmod1}
102     \end{figure}
103 gezelter 2143
104 xsun 2138 \begin{figure}
105 gezelter 2143 \centering
106 xsun 2138 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{picture/xyz.eps}
107     \caption{The 6 coordinates describing the state of a 2-dipole system in our extended X-Y-Z model. $z_i$ is the height of dipole $i$ from
108     the initial x-y plane, $\theta_i$ is the angle that the dipole is away
109     from the z axis and $\phi_i$ is the angle between the projection of
110     the dipole on x-y plane with the x axis.}
111     \label{fmod2}
112     \end{figure}
113 gezelter 2143
114 xsun 2138 The lipids are represented by the simple point-dipole. During the
115     simulations, dipoles are locked (in the x-y plane) to lattice points
116     of hexagonal (or distorted) lattice. Each dipole can move freely out
117     of the plane and has complete orientational freedom. This is a
118     modified X-Y-Z model with translational freedom along the z-axis. The
119     potential of the system
120     \begin{equation}
121     V = \sum _i {\sum _{j\in NN_i}^6 {{\frac{k_r}{2}} (r_{ij}-r_0)^2}} +
122     V_{\text
123     {dipole}}(\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{i},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{j})
124     \label{tp}
125     \end{equation}
126     where
127     \[ \sum _i {\sum _{j\in NN_i}^6 {{\frac{k_r}{2}} (r_{ij}-r_0)^2}} \]
128     and
129     \[ V_{\text {dipole}}(\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{i},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{j}) = \sum _i {\sum _{j>i} {{\frac{|\mu_i||\mu_j|}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r_{ij}^3}} \biggl[ {\boldsymbol{\hat u}_i} \cdot {\boldsymbol{\hat u}_j} - 3({\boldsymbol{\hat u}_i} \cdot {\mathbf{\hat r}_{ij}})({\boldsymbol{\hat u}_j} \cdot {\mathbf{\hat r}_{ij}}) \biggr]}} \]
130     are the surface tension and the dipole-dipole interactions. In our
131     simulation, the surface tension for every dipole is represented by the
132     harmonic potential with its six nearest neighbors. $r_{ij}$ is the
133     distance between dipole $i$ and dipole $j$, $r_0$ is the lattice
134     distance in the x-y plane between dipole $i$ and $j$, $k_r$ is the
135     surface energy and corresponds to $k_BT$, $k_B$ is the Bolzmann's
136     constant. For the dipole-dipole interaction part, $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$ is
137     the vector starting at atom $i$ pointing towards $j$, and
138     $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i$ and $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j$ are the
139     orientational degrees of freedom for atoms $i$ and $j$
140     respectively. The magnitude of the dipole moment of atom $i$ is
141     $|\mu_i|$ which is referred as the strength of the dipole $s$,
142     $\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}_i$ is the standard unit orientation vector of
143     $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i$, and $\mathbf{\hat{r}}_{ij}$ is the unit
144     vector pointing along $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$
145     ($\mathbf{\hat{r}}_{ij}=\mathbf{r}_{ij}/|\mathbf{r}_{ij}|$). The unit
146     of the temperature ($T$) is $kelvin$, the strength of the dipole ($s$)
147     is $Debye$, the surface energy ($k_r$) is $k_B$---Bolzmann's
148     constant. For convenience, we will omit the units in the following
149     discussion. The order parameter $P_2$ is defined as $1.5 \times
150     \lambda_{max}$, where $\lambda_{max}$ is the largest eigenvalue of the
151     matrix $\mathsf S$
152     \begin{equation}
153     {\mathsf{S}} =
154     \begin{pmatrix}
155     u_{x}u_{x}-\frac{1}{3} & u_{x}u_{y} & u_{x}u_{z} \\
156     u_{y}u_{x} & u_{y}u_{y}-\frac{1}{3} & u_{y}u_{z} \\
157     u_{z}u_{x} & u_{z}u_{y} & u_{z}u_{z}-\frac{1}{3}
158     \end{pmatrix},
159     \label{opmatrix}
160     \end{equation}
161     and $u_{\alpha}$ is the $\alpha$ element of the dipole moment averaged
162     over all particles and configurations. $P_2$ will be $1.0$ for a
163     perfect ordered system or $0$ for a random one. Note this order
164     parameter is not equal to the polarization of the system, for example,
165     the polarization of the perfect antiferroelectric system is $0$, but
166     $P_2$ is $1.0$. The eigenvector of this matrix is the direction axis
167     which can detect the direction of the dipoles. The periodicity and
168     amplitude of the ripples is given by the fast Fourier transform (FFT)
169     of the perpendicular axis of the direction axis. To detect the
170     lattice of the system, $\gamma = {aLat}/{bLat}$ is defined, where
171     $aLat$, $bLat$ are the lattice distance in X and Y direction
172     respectively. $\gamma = \sqrt 3$ for the hexagonal lattice. The length
173     of the monolayer in X axis is $20 \times aLat$ and the system is
174     roughly square. The average distance that dipoles are from their six
175     nearest neighbors is $7$ \AA. So, for the hexagonal lattice, the size
176     of the monolayer is about $250$ \AA $\times$ $250$ \AA \ which is
177     large enough for the formation of some types of the ripples. In all
178     simulations, $10^8$ Monte Carlo moves are attempted, the results are
179     judged by standard Metropolis algorithm. Periodic boundary condition
180     are used. The cutoff for the long range dipole-dipole interactions is
181     set to 30 \AA.
182     %The $P_2$ order parameter allows us to measure the amount of
183     %directional ordering that exists in the bodies of the molecules making
184     %up the bilayer. Each lipid molecule can be thought of as a cylindrical
185     %rod with the head group at the top. If all of the rods are perfectly
186     %aligned, the $P_2$ order parameter will be $1.0$. If the rods are
187     %completely disordered, the $P_2$ order parameter will be 0. For a
188     %collection of unit vectors pointing along the principal axes of the
189     %rods, the $P_2$ order parameter can be solved via the following
190     %method.\cite{zannoni94}
191     %
192     %Define an ordering tensor $\overleftrightarrow{\mathsf{Q}}$, such that,
193     %
194     %where the $u_{i\alpha}$ is the $\alpha$ element of the unit vector
195     %$\mathbf{\hat{u}}_i$, and the sum over $i$ averages over the whole
196     %collection of unit vectors. This allows the tensor to be written:
197     %\begin{equation}
198     %\overleftrightarrow{\mathsf{Q}} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i^N \biggl[
199     % \mathbf{\hat{u}}_i \otimes \mathbf{\hat{u}}_i
200     % - \frac{1}{3} \cdot \mathsf{1} \biggr].
201     %\label{lipidEq:po2}
202     %\end{equation}
203     %
204     %After constructing the tensor, diagonalizing
205     %$\overleftrightarrow{\mathsf{Q}}$ yields three eigenvalues and
206     %eigenvectors. The eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue,
207     %$\lambda_{\text{max}}$, is the director axis for the system of unit
208     %vectors. The director axis is the average direction all of the unit vectors
209     %are pointing. The $P_2$ order parameter is then simply
210     %\begin{equation}
211     %\langle P_2 \rangle = \frac{3}{2}\lambda_{\text{max}}.
212     %\label{lipidEq:po3}
213     %\end{equation}
214     %
215     %\begin{figure}
216     %\begin{center}
217     %\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{/home/maul/gezelter/xsun/Documents/ripple/picture/lattice.eps}
218     %\caption{ The lattice\label{lat}}
219     %\end{center}
220     %\end{figure}
222     \section{Results and discussion}
223     \label{Res}
225     \subsection{Hexagonal}
226     \label{Hex}
227     %Fig. \ref{frip} shows the typical simulation results for the hexagonal system when $T = 300$, $s = 7$, $k_r = 0.1$.
228     %\begin{figure}
229     %\centering
230     %\epsfbox{/home/maul/gezelter/xsun/Documents/ripple/picture/rippletop.eps}
231     %\epsfbox{/home/maul/gezelter/xsun/Documents/ripple/picture/rippleside.eps}
232     %\caption{A snapshot of our simulation results. The filled circle indicates the position of the dipole, the tail attached on it points out the direction of the dipole. (a)Top view of the monolayer. (b)Side view of the monolayer}
233     %\label{frip}
234     %\end{figure}
235     From the results of the simulation at $T = 300$ for hexagonal lattice, the system is in an antiferroelectric state. Every $3$ or $4$ arrows of the dipoles form a strip whose direction is opposite to its neighbors. $P_2$ is about $0.7$. The ripple is formed clearly. The simulation results shows the ripple has equal opportunity to be formed along different directions, this is due to the isotropic property of the hexagonal lattice.
236     We use the last configuration of this simulation as the initial condition to increase the system to $T = 400$ every $10\ kelvin$, at the same time decrease the temperature to $T = 100$ every $10\ kelvin$. The trend that the order parameter varies with temperature is plotted in Fig. \ref{t-op}.
237 gezelter 2143
238 xsun 2138 \begin{figure}
239 gezelter 2143 \centering
240 xsun 2138 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{picture/hexorderpara.eps}
241 gezelter 2143 \caption{ The orderparameter $P_2$ vs temperature T at hexagonal
242     lattice.}
243     \label{t-op}
244 xsun 2138 \end{figure}
245 gezelter 2143
246 xsun 2138 The $P_2 \approx 0.9$ for $T = 100$ implies that the system is in a
247     highly ordered state. As the temperature increases, the order
248     parameter is decreasing gradually before $T = 300$, from $T = 310$ the
249     order parameter drops dramatically, get to nearly $0$ at $T =
250     400$. This means the system reaches a random state from an ordered
251     state. The phase transition occurs at $T \approx 340$. At the
252     temperature range the ripples formed, the structure is fairly stable
253     with the temperature changing, we can say this structure is in one of
254     the energy minimum of the energy surface. The amplitude of the ripples
255     is around $15$ \AA. With the temperature changing, the amplitude of
256     the ripples is stable also. This is contrast with our general
257     knowledge that ripples will increase with thermal energy of the system
258     increasing. To understand the origin and property of the ripples, we
259     need look at the potential of our system, which is $V = V_{\text
260     {surface tension}} + V_{\text {dipole}}$. There are two parts of
261     it. The intense of the $V_{\text {surface tension}}$ is controlled by
262     $k_r$ which is the surface energy, and the intense of the $ V_{\text
263     {dipole}}$ is controlled by $s$ which is the strength of the
264     dipoles. So, according to adjusting these two parameters, we can get
265     the further insight into this problem. At first, we fixed the value
266     of $s = 7$, and vary $k_r$, the results are shown in
267     Fig. \ref{kr-a-hf}.
268 gezelter 2143
269 xsun 2138 \begin{figure}
270 gezelter 2143 \centering
271 xsun 2138 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{picture/kr_amplitude.eps}
272 gezelter 2143 \caption{ The amplitude $A$ of the ripples at $T = 300$ vs $k_r$ for
273     hexagonal lattice. The height fluctuation $h_f$ vs $k_r$ is shown
274     inset for the same situation.}
275     \label{kr-a-hf}
276 xsun 2138 \end{figure}
277 gezelter 2143
278 xsun 2138 When $k_r < 0.1$, due to the small surface tension part, the dipoles
279     can go far away from their neighbors, lots of noise make the ripples
280     undiscernable. So, we start from $k_r = 0.1$. However, even when $k_r
281     = 0$, which means the surface tension is turned off, the
282     antiferroelectric state still can be reached. This strongly supports
283     the dipole-dipole interaction is the major driving force to form the
284     long range orietational ordered state. From Fig. \ref{kr-a-hf}, the
285     amplitude decreases as the $k_r$ increasing, actually, when
286     $k_r > 0.7$, although the FFT results still show the values of amplitudes,
287     the ripples disappear. From the inset of the
288     Fig. \ref{kr-a-hf}, the trend of the fluctuation of height of the dipoles---$h_f$
289     with $k_r$ is similar to the amplitude.
290     Here $h_f = < h^2 > - {< h >}^2$, $h$ is the $z$
291     coordinate of the dipoles, $<>$ means $h$ averaged by all dipoles and
292     configurations. The decreasing of the height fluctuation is due to the
293     increasing of the surface tension with increasing the $k_r$.
294     No ripple is observed
295     when $k_r > 0.7$. When $k_r > 0.7$, the surface tension part of the total
296     potential of the system dominate the structure of the monolayer, the
297     dipoles will be kept as near as possible with their neighbors, the
298     whole system is fairly flat under this situation, and the ripples
299     disappear. Then we investigate the role of the dipole-dipole
300     interactions by fixing the $k_r$ to be $0.1$. This long range
301     orientational ordered state is very sensitive to the value of $s$ for
302     hexagonal lattice. For $s = 6$, only local orientational ordering
303     occurs, when $s$ is even smaller, the system is on a random state. For
304     $s \geq 9$, the system enters a frustrated state, the amplitude is
305     hard to tell, however, from observation, the amplitude does not change
306     too much. We will fully discuss this problem using a distorted
307     hexagonal lattice. In brief, asymmetry of the translational freedom
308     of the dipoles breaks the symmetry of the hexagonal lattice and allow
309     antiferroelectric ordering of the dipoles. The dipole-dipole
310     interaction is the major driving force for the long range
311     orientational ordered state. The formation of the stable, smooth
312     ripples is a result of the competition between surface tension and
313     dipole-dipole interaction.
315     \subsection{Non-hexagonal}
316     \label{Nhe}
317     We also investigate the effect of lattice type by changing
318     $\gamma$. The antiferroelectric state is accessible for all $\gamma$
319     we use, and will melt with temperature increasing, unlike hexagonal
320     lattice, the distorted hexagonal lattices prefer a particular director
321     axis due to their anisotropic property. The phase diagram for this
322     system is shown in Fig. \ref{phase}.
323 gezelter 2143
324 xsun 2138 \begin{figure}
325 gezelter 2143 \centering
326 xsun 2138 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{picture/phase.eps}
327 gezelter 2143 \caption{ The phase diagram with temperature $T$ and lattice variable
328     $\gamma$. The enlarged view near the hexagonal lattice is shown
329     inset.}
330     \label{phase}
331 xsun 2138 \end{figure}
332 gezelter 2143
333 xsun 2138 $T_c$ is the transition temperature. The hexagonal lattice has the
334     lowest $T_c$, and $T_c$ goes up with lattice being more
335     distorted. There is only two phases in our diagram. When we do
336     annealing for all the system, the antiferroelectric phase is fairly
337     stable, although the spin glass is accessible for $\gamma \leq
338     \sqrt{3}$ if the simulations is started from the random initial
339     configuration. So, we consider the antiferroelectric phase as a local
340     minimum energy state even at low temperature. From the inset of
341     Fig. \ref{phase}, at the hexagonal lattice, $T_c$ changes
342     quickly. $T_c$ increases more quickly for $\gamma$ getting larger than
343     $\gamma$ getting smaller. The reason is that: although the average
344     distance between dipole and its neighbors is same for all types of
345     lattices, $V_\text{dipole} \propto 1/r_{ij}^3$ in our model, the
346     change of the lattice spacing in one direction is more effective than
347     another in this range of $\gamma$. There is another type of
348     antiferroelectric state when the lattice is far away from the
349     hexagonal one. Unlike the antiferroelectric state of the hexagonal
350     lattice which is composed of the strips that have $3$ or $4$ rows of
351     same direction dipoles, the strips in this type of antiferroelectric
352     state have $1$, $2$ or $3$ rows of same direction dipoles. In our
353     phase diagram, this difference is not shown. However, only when
354     $\gamma$ is close to $\sqrt{3}$, the long range spatial
355     ordering---ripple is still maintained. The surface is flat when
356     $\gamma \ll \sqrt{3}$, and randomly fluctuate due to the appearance of
357     another type antiferroelectric state when $\gamma \gg \sqrt{3}$. The
358     change of the lattice type changes the contribution of the surface
359     tension and the dipole-dipole interaction for the total potential of
360     the system. For $\gamma \ll \sqrt{3}$, the total potential is
361     dominated by the surface tension part, so, the surface is flat. For
362     $\gamma \gg \sqrt{3}$, the total potential is dominated by the
363     dipole-dipole interaction part, it is very easy to introduce too much
364     noise to make the ripples undiscernable. In our simulations, the
365     amplitude of the ripples for distorted hexagonal lattice is larger
366     than that for hexagonal lattice in the small range around the
367     hexagonal lattice. The reason is still not clear. A possible
368     explanation is that the distribution of the dipole-dipole interaction
369     through the surface is anisotropic in the distorted hexagonal
370     lattice. Another possibility is that the hexagonal lattice has many
371     translational local minimum, it has not entered the more rippled state
372     for our reasonable simulation period. We investigate the effect of
373     the strength of the dipole $s$ to the amplitude of the ripples for
374     $\gamma = 1.875$, $k_r = 0.1$, $T = 260$. Under this situation, the
375     system reaches the equilibrium very quickly, and the ripples are
376     fairly stable. The results are shown in Fig. \ref{samplitude}.
377 gezelter 2143
378 xsun 2138 \begin{figure}
379 gezelter 2143 \centering
380 xsun 2138 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{picture/samplitude.eps}
381 gezelter 2143 \caption{ The amplitude of ripples $A$ at $T = 260$ vs strength of
382     dipole $s$ for $\gamma = 1.875$. The orderparameter $P_2$ vs $s$ is
383     shown inset at the same situation.}
384     \label{samplitude}
385 xsun 2138 \end{figure}
386 gezelter 2143
387 xsun 2138 For small $s$, there is no long range ordering in the system, so, we
388     start from $s = 7$, and we use the rippled state as the initial
389     configuration for all the simulations to reduce the noise. There is no
390     considerable change of the amplitude in our simulations. At first, the
391     system is under the competition of the surface tension and
392     dipole-dipole interactions, increasing $s$ will make the dipole-dipole
393     interactions more contribute to the total potential and the amplitude
394     of the ripples is increased a little bit. After the total potential is
395     totally dominated by the dipole-dipole interactions, the amplitude
396     does not change too much. This result indicates that the ripples are
397     the natural property of the dipolar system, the existence of the
398     ripples does not depend on the surface tension. The orderparameter
399     increases with increasing the strength of the dipole.
401     \section{Conclusion}
402     \label{Con}
403     In conclusion, the molecular explanation of the origin of the long
404     range ordering of the hexagonal lattice is given by our
405     simulations. Asymmetry of the translational freedom of the dipoles
406     breaks the symmetry of the hexagonal lattice and allow
407     antiferroelectric ordering of the dipoles. The simulation results
408     demonstrate that the dipole-dipole interaction is the major driving
409     force for the long range orientational ordered state. According to
410     the study of the effect of the surface tension and the dipole-dipole
411     interaction, we find ripples are the natural property of the dipolar
412     system. Its existence does not depend on the surface tension, however,
413     a stable, smooth ripple phase is a result of the competition between
414     surface tension and dipole-dipole interaction, and when surface
415     tension is large enough to dominate the total potential, the amplitude
416     of the ripples can be determined by it. The ripple phase can only be
417     reached near the hexagonal lattice. Under same condition, the
418     amplitude of the ripples for hexagonal lattice is smaller than that
419     for distorted hexagonal lattice. The reason is not clear, however, we
420     think it is a result of the anisotropic distribution of the
421     dipole-dipole interaction through the surface in the distorted
422     hexagonal lattice. From the phase diagram, the reason of the
423     existence of the ripple phase in organism is elucidated. To melt at
424     the body temperature and perform its bio-function, the lipid bilayer
425     must have a relative low transition temperature which can be realized
426     near the hexagonal lattice, and the ripple phase is a natural phase
427     for dipolar system at the hexagonal lattice. So, with the temperature
428     increasing, the lipid bilayer undergoes a translational adjustment to
429     enter the ripple phase to lower the transition temperature for the
430     gel-liquid phase transition, then it can enter the liquid phase even
431     at a low temperature.
433     \newpage
434     \bibliographystyle{jcp}
435 gezelter 2142 \bibliography{ripple.bib}
436 xsun 2138 \end{document}