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# User Rev Content
1 chrisfen 1872 %\documentclass[prb,aps,twocolumn,tabularx]{revtex4}
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3 chrisfen 1888 %\usepackage{endfloat}
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20     \begin{document}
22 chrisfen 1888
23 gezelter 1896 \section*{Supplemental Materials}
24 chrisfen 1872 Canonical ensemble (NVT) molecular dynamics calculations were
25 gezelter 1896 performed using the OOPSE molecular mechanics program.\cite{Meineke05}
26 chrisfen 1872 All molecules were treated as rigid bodies, with orientational motion
27     propagated using the symplectic DLM integration method. Details about
28     the implementation of this technique can be found in a recent
29     publication.\cite{Dullweber1997}
31     Thermodynamic integration is an established technique for
32     determination of free energies of condensed phases of
33     materials.\cite{Frenkel84,Hermens88,Meijer90,Baez95a,Vlot99}. This
34 gezelter 1896 method, implemented in the same manner by B\`{a}ez and Clancy, was
35     utilized to calculate the free energy of several ice crystals at 200 K
36     using the TIP3P, TIP4P, TIP5P, SPC/E, SSD/RF, and SSD/E water
37     models.\cite{Baez95a} Liquid state free energies at 300 and 400 K for
38     all of these water models were also determined using the same
39     technique in order to determine melting points and to generate phase
40     diagrams. System sizes were 648 or 1728 molecules for ice B, 1024 or
41     1280 molecules for ice $I_h$, 1000 molecules for ice $I_c$, and 1024
42     molecules for both Ice-{\it i} and the liquid state simulations. The
43     larger crystal sizes were necessary for simulations involving larger
44     cutoff values. All simulations were carried out at densities which
45     correspond to a pressure of approximately 1 atm at their respective
46     temperatures.
47 chrisfen 1872
48 gezelter 1896 Thermodynamic integration was utilized to calculate the Helmholtz free
49     energies ($A$) of the listed water models at various state points
50     using the OOPSE molecular dynamics program.\cite{Meineke05} This
51     method uses a sequence of simulations during which the system of
52     interest is converted into a reference system for which the free
53     energy is known analytically ($A_0$). The difference in potential
54     energy between the reference system and the system of interest
55     ($\Delta V$) is then integrated in order to determine the free energy
56     difference between the two states:
57 chrisfen 1872 \begin{equation}
58 gezelter 1896 A = A_0 + \int_0^1 \left\langle \Delta V \right\rangle_\lambda d\lambda.
59 chrisfen 1872 \end{equation}
60 gezelter 1896 Simulations were {\it not} distributed uniformly along this path in
61     order to sufficiently sample the regions of greatest change in the
62     potential difference. Typical integrations in this study consisted of
63     $\sim$25 simulations ranging from 300 ps (for the unaltered system) to
64     75 ps (near the reference state) in length.
65 chrisfen 1872
66     For the thermodynamic integration of molecular crystals, the Einstein
67     crystal was chosen as the reference system. In an Einstein crystal,
68     the molecules are restrained at their ideal lattice locations and
69     orientations. Using harmonic restraints, as applied by B\`{a}ez and
70     Clancy, the total potential for this reference crystal
71     ($V_\mathrm{EC}$) is the sum of all the harmonic restraints,
72     \begin{equation}
73     V_\mathrm{EC} = \frac{K_\mathrm{v}r^2}{2} + \frac{K_\theta\theta^2}{2} +
74     \frac{K_\omega\omega^2}{2},
75     \end{equation}
76     where $K_\mathrm{v}$, $K_\mathrm{\theta}$, and $K_\mathrm{\omega}$ are
77     the spring constants restraining translational motion and deflection
78     of and rotation around the principle axis of the molecule
79     respectively. These spring constants are typically calculated from
80     the mean-square displacements of water molecules in an unrestrained
81     ice crystal at 200 K. For these studies, $K_\mathrm{r} = 4.29$ kcal
82     mol$^{-1}$, $K_\theta\ = 13.88$ kcal mol$^{-1}$, and $K_\omega\ =
83     17.75$ kcal mol$^{-1}$. It is clear from Fig. \ref{waterSpring} that
84     the values of $\theta$ range from $0$ to $\pi$, while $\omega$ ranges
85     from $-\pi$ to $\pi$. The partition function for a molecular crystal
86     restrained in this fashion can be evaluated analytically, and the
87     Helmholtz Free Energy ({\it A}) is given by
88     \begin{eqnarray}
89     A = E_m\ -\ kT\ln \left (\frac{kT}{h\nu}\right )^3&-&kT\ln \left
90     [\pi^\frac{1}{2}\left (\frac{8\pi^2I_\mathrm{A}kT}{h^2}\right
91     )^\frac{1}{2}\left (\frac{8\pi^2I_\mathrm{B}kT}{h^2}\right
92     )^\frac{1}{2}\left (\frac{8\pi^2I_\mathrm{C}kT}{h^2}\right
93     )^\frac{1}{2}\right ] \nonumber \\ &-& kT\ln \left [\frac{kT}{2(\pi
94     K_\omega K_\theta)^{\frac{1}{2}}}\exp\left
95     (-\frac{kT}{2K_\theta}\right)\int_0^{\left (\frac{kT}{2K_\theta}\right
96     )^\frac{1}{2}}\exp(t^2)\mathrm{d}t\right ],
97     \label{ecFreeEnergy}
98     \end{eqnarray}
99     where $2\pi\nu = (K_\mathrm{v}/m)^{1/2}$, and $E_m$ is the minimum
100     potential energy of the ideal crystal.\cite{Baez95a}
102     \begin{figure}
103 gezelter 1896 \centering
104     \includegraphics[width=4in]{rotSpring.eps}
105 chrisfen 1872 \caption{Possible orientational motions for a restrained molecule.
106     $\theta$ angles correspond to displacement from the body-frame {\it
107     z}-axis, while $\omega$ angles correspond to rotation about the
108     body-frame {\it z}-axis. $K_\theta$ and $K_\omega$ are spring
109     constants for the harmonic springs restraining motion in the $\theta$
110     and $\omega$ directions.}
111     \label{waterSpring}
112     \end{figure}
114     In the case of molecular liquids, the ideal vapor is chosen as the
115     target reference state. There are several examples of liquid state
116     free energy calculations of water models present in the
117     literature.\cite{Hermens88,Quintana92,Mezei92,Baez95b} These methods
118     typically differ in regard to the path taken for switching off the
119     interaction potential to convert the system to an ideal gas of water
120 chrisfen 1888 molecules. In this study, we applied one of the most convenient
121 chrisfen 1872 methods and integrated over the $\lambda^4$ path, where all
122     interaction parameters are scaled equally by this transformation
123     parameter. This method has been shown to be reversible and provide
124     results in excellent agreement with other established
125     methods.\cite{Baez95b}
127 gezelter 1896 Near the cutoff radius ($0.85 * r_{cut}$), charge, dipole, and
128     Lennard-Jones interactions were gradually reduced by a cubic switching
129     function. By applying this function, these interactions are smoothly
130     truncated, thereby avoiding the poor energy conservation which results
131     from harsher truncation schemes. The effect of a long-range
132     correction was also investigated on select model systems in a variety
133     of manners. For the SSD/RF model, a reaction field with a fixed
134     dielectric constant of 80 was applied in all
135     simulations.\cite{Onsager36} For a series of the least computationally
136     expensive models (SSD/E, SSD/RF, TIP3P, and SPC/E), simulations were
137     performed with longer cutoffs of 10.5, 12, 13.5, and 15 \AA\ to
138     compare with the 9 \AA\ cutoff results. Finally, the effects of using
139     the Ewald summation were estimated for TIP3P and SPC/E by performing
140     single configuration Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME)
141     calculations~\cite{Tinker} for each of the ice polymorphs. The
142     calculated energy difference in the presence and absence of PME was
143     applied to the previous results in order to predict changes to the
144     free energy landscape.
145 chrisfen 1872
146 chrisfen 1879 Additionally, $g_{OO}(r)$ and $S(\vec{q})$ plots were generated for
147     the two Ice-{\it i} variants (along with example ice $I_h$ and $I_c$
148     plots) at 77K, and they are shown in figures \ref{fig:gofr} and
149     \ref{fig:sofq}. The $S(\vec{q})$ is related to a three dimensional
150     Fourier transform of the radial distribution function, which
151     simplifies to the following expression:
153     \begin{equation}
154     S(q) = 1 + 4\pi\rho\int_{0}^{\infty} r^2 \frac{\sin kr}{kr}g_{OO}(r)dr,
155     \label{sofqEq}
156     \end{equation}
158     where $\rho$ is the number density. To obtain a good estimation of
159     $S(\vec{q})$, $g_{OO}(r)$ needs to extend to large $r$ values. Thus,
160 gezelter 1896 simulations to obtain these plots were run for crystals eight times
161     the size of those used in the thermodynamic integrations.
162 chrisfen 1879
163     \begin{figure}
164 gezelter 1896 \centering
165 chrisfen 1888 \includegraphics[width=4in]{iceGofr.eps}
166 chrisfen 1879 \caption{Radial distribution functions of ice $I_h$, $I_c$, and
167     Ice-{\it i} calculated from from simulations of the SSD/RF water model
168     at 77 K. The Ice-{\it i} distribution function was obtained from
169     simulations composed of TIP4P water.}
170     \label{fig:gofr}
171     \end{figure}
173     \begin{figure}
174 gezelter 1896 \centering
175 chrisfen 1888 \includegraphics[width=4in]{sofq.eps}
176 chrisfen 1879 \caption{Predicted structure factors for ice $I_h$, $I_c$, Ice-{\it i},
177     and Ice-{\it i}$^\prime$ at 77 K. The raw structure factors have
178     been convoluted with a gaussian instrument function (0.075 \AA$^{-1}$
179     width) to compensate for the trunction effects in our finite size
180     simulations.}
181     \label{fig:sofq}
182     \end{figure}
184 chrisfen 1872 \newpage
186     \bibliographystyle{jcp}
187     \bibliography{iceiSupplemental}
189     \end{document}