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# User Rev Content
1 xsun 3336 \chapter{\label{chap:intro}INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND}
2 xsun 3347
3     \section{Background on the Problem\label{In:sec:pro}}
4 xsun 3365 Phospholipid molecules are the primary topic of this dissertation
5     because of their critical role as the foundation of biological
6 xsun 3375 membranes. The chemical structure of phospholipids includes a head
7     group with a large dipole moment which is due to the large charge
8     separation between phosphate and amino alcohol, and a nonpolar tail
9     that contains fatty acid chains. Depending on the specific alcohol
10     which the phosphate and fatty acid chains are esterified to, the
11     phospholipids are divided into glycerophospholipids and
12     sphingophospholipids.~\cite{Cevc80} The chemical structures are shown
13     in figure~\ref{Infig:lipid}.
14 xsun 3374 \begin{figure}
15     \centering
16     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{./figures/inLipid.pdf}
17     \caption{The chemical structure of glycerophospholipids (left) and
18     sphingophospholipids (right).\cite{Cevc80}}
19     \label{Infig:lipid}
20     \end{figure}
21 xsun 3375 Glycerophospholipids are the dominant phospholipids in biological
22     membranes. The type of glycerophospholipid depends on the identity of
23     the X group, and the chains. For example, if X is choline
24     [(CH$_3$)$_3$N$^+$CH$_2$CH$_2$OH], the lipids are known as
25     phosphatidylcholine (PC), or if X is ethanolamine
26     [H$_3$N$^+$CH$_2$CH$_2$OH], the lipids are known as
27     phosphatidyethanolamine (PE). Table~\ref{Intab:pc} listed a number
28     types of phosphatidycholine with different fatty acids as the lipid
29     chains.
30 xsun 3374 \begin{table*}
31     \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
32     \begin{center}
33     \caption{A number types of phosphatidycholine.}
34     \begin{tabular}{lll}
35     \hline
36     & Fatty acid & Generic Name \\
37     \hline
38     \textcolor{red}{DMPC} & Myristic: CH$_3$(CH$_2$)$_{12}$COOH &
39     \textcolor{red}{D}i\textcolor{red}{M}yristoyl\textcolor{red}{P}hosphatidyl\textcolor{red}{C}holine \\
40     \textcolor{red}{DPPC} & Palmitic: CH$_3$(CH$_2$)$_{14}$COOH & \textcolor{red}{D}i\textcolor{red}{P}almtoyl\textcolor{red}{P}hosphatidyl\textcolor{red}{C}holine
41     \\
42     \textcolor{red}{DSPC} & Stearic: CH$_3$(CH$_2$)$_{16}$COOH & \textcolor{red}{D}i\textcolor{red}{S}tearoyl\textcolor{red}{P}hosphatidyl\textcolor{red}{C}holine \\
43     \end{tabular}
44     \label{Intab:pc}
45     \end{center}
46     \end{minipage}
47     \end{table*}
48     When dispersed in water, lipids self assemble into a mumber of
49     topologically distinct bilayer structures. The phase behavior of lipid
50     bilayers has been explored experimentally~\cite{Cevc80}, however, a
51     complete understanding of the mechanism and driving forces behind the
52     various phases has not been achieved.
53 xsun 3347
54 xsun 3375 \subsection{The Ripple Phase\label{In:ssec:ripple}}
55 xsun 3365 The $P_{\beta'}$ {\it ripple phase} of lipid bilayers, named from the
56 xsun 3347 periodic buckling of the membrane, is an intermediate phase which is
57     developed either from heating the gel phase $L_{\beta'}$ or cooling
58 xsun 3375 the fluid phase $L_\alpha$. A sketch of the phases is shown in
59 xsun 3374 figure~\ref{Infig:phaseDiagram}.~\cite{Cevc80}
60 xsun 3372 \begin{figure}
61     \centering
62     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{./figures/inPhaseDiagram.pdf}
63 xsun 3375 \caption{Phases of PC lipid bilayers. With increasing
64     temperature, phosphotidylcholine (PC) bilayers can go through
65     $L_{\beta'} \rightarrow P_{\beta'}$ (gel $\rightarrow$ ripple) and
66     $P_{\beta'} \rightarrow L_\alpha$ (ripple $\rightarrow$ fluid) phase
67     transitions.~\cite{Cevc80}}
68 xsun 3372 \label{Infig:phaseDiagram}
69     \end{figure}
70 xsun 3375 Most structural information about the ripple phase has been obtained
71     by X-ray diffraction~\cite{Sun96,Katsaras00} and freeze-fracture
72 xsun 3372 electron microscopy (FFEM).~\cite{Copeland80,Meyer96} The X-ray
73     diffraction work by Katsaras {\it et al.} showed that a rich phase
74     diagram exhibiting both {\it asymmetric} and {\it symmetric} ripples
75     is possible for lecithin bilayers.\cite{Katsaras00} Recently,
76     Kaasgaard {\it et al.} used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to observe
77     ripple phase morphology in bilayers supported on
78     mica.~\cite{Kaasgaard03}
79     \begin{figure}
80     \centering
81     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{./figures/inRipple.pdf}
82 xsun 3375 \caption{Experimental observations of the riple phase. The top image
83     is an electrostatic density map obtained by Sun {\it et al.} using
84     X-ray diffraction~\cite{Sun96}. The lower figures are the surface
85     topology of various ripple domains in bilayers supported in mica. The
86     AFM images were observed by Kaasgaard {\it et
87     al.}.~\cite{Kaasgaard03}}
88 xsun 3372 \label{Infig:ripple}
89     \end{figure}
90 xsun 3375 Figure~\ref{Infig:ripple} shows the ripple phase oberved by both X-ray
91 xsun 3372 diffraction and AFM. The experimental results provide strong support
92     for a 2-dimensional triangular packing lattice of the lipid molecules
93     within the ripple phase. This is a notable change from the observed
94 xsun 3374 lipid packing within the gel phase,~\cite{Cevc80} although Tenchov
95 xsun 3375 {\it et al.} have recently observed near-triangular packing in some
96 xsun 3372 phosphatidylcholine (PC) gel phases.~\cite{Tenchov2001} However, the
97     physical mechanism for the formation of the ripple phase has never
98     been explained and the microscopic structure of the ripple phase has
99     never been elucidated by experiments. Computational simulation is a
100     perfect tool to study the microscopic properties for a
101 xsun 3375 system. However, the large length scale of the ripple structures and
102     the long time required for the formation of the ripples are crucial
103     obstacles to performing the actual work. The principal ideas explored
104     in this dissertation are attempts to break the computational task up
105     by
106 xsun 3347 \begin{itemize}
107 xsun 3365 \item Simplifying the lipid model.
108 xsun 3375 \item Improving the algorithm for integrating the equations of motion.
109 xsun 3347 \end{itemize}
110 xsun 3365 In chapters~\ref{chap:mc} and~\ref{chap:md}, we use a simple point
111 xsun 3375 dipole spin model and a coarse-grained molecular scale model to
112 xsun 3372 perform the Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations
113     respectively, and in chapter~\ref{chap:ld}, we develop a Langevin
114     Dynamics algorithm which excludes the explicit solvent to improve the
115     efficiency of the simulations.
116 xsun 3347
117 xsun 3375 \subsection{Lattice Models\label{In:ssec:model}}
118     The gel-like characteristic (laterally immobile molecules) exhibited
119 xsun 3372 by the ripple phase makes it feasible to apply a lattice model to
120     study the system. The popular $2$ dimensional lattice models, {\it
121     i.e.}, the Ising, $X-Y$, and Heisenberg models, show {\it frustration}
122     on triangular lattices. The Hamiltonians of these systems are given by
123 xsun 3365 \begin{equation}
124     H =
125     \begin{cases}
126     -J \sum_n \sum_{n'} s_n s_n' & \text{Ising}, \\
127     -J \sum_n \sum_{n'} \vec s_n \cdot \vec s_{n'} & \text{$X-Y$ and
128     Heisenberg},
129     \end{cases}
130     \end{equation}
131     where $J$ has non zero value only when spins $s_n$ ($\vec s_n$) and
132 xsun 3372 $s_{n'}$ ($\vec s_{n'}$) are nearest neighbors. When $J > 0$, spins
133     prefer an aligned structure, and if $J < 0$, spins prefer an
134     anti-aligned structure.
135 xsun 3371
136 xsun 3347 \begin{figure}
137     \centering
138 xsun 3371 \includegraphics[width=3in]{./figures/inFrustration.pdf}
139     \caption{Frustration on triangular lattice, the spins and dipoles are
140     represented by arrows. The multiple local minima of energy states
141 xsun 3375 induce frustration for spins and dipoles resulting in disordered
142     low-temperature phases.}
143 xsun 3354 \label{Infig:frustration}
144 xsun 3347 \end{figure}
145 xsun 3375 The spins in figure~\ref{Infig:frustration} illustrate frustration for
146     $J < 0$ on a triangular lattice. There are multiple local minima
147     energy states which are independent of the direction of the spin on
148     top of the triangle, therefore infinite possibilities for orienting
149     large numbers spins. This induces what is known as ``complete regular
150     frustration'' which leads to disordered low temperature phases. This
151     behavior extends to dipoles on a triangular lattices, which are shown
152     in the lower portion of figure~\ref{Infig:frustration}. In this case,
153     dipole-aligned structures are energetically favorable, however, at low
154     temperature, vortices are easily formed, and, this results in multiple
155     local minima of energy states for a central dipole. The dipole on the
156     center of the hexagonal lattice is therefore frustrated.
157 xsun 3347
158 xsun 3372 The lack of translational degrees of freedom in lattice models
159     prevents their utilization in models for surface buckling. In
160     chapter~\ref{chap:mc}, a modified lattice model is introduced to
161     tackle this specific situation.
162 xsun 3347
163     \section{Overview of Classical Statistical Mechanics\label{In:sec:SM}}
164     Statistical mechanics provides a way to calculate the macroscopic
165     properties of a system from the molecular interactions used in
166     computational simulations. This section serves as a brief introduction
167     to key concepts of classical statistical mechanics that we used in
168     this dissertation. Tolman gives an excellent introduction to the
169 xsun 3372 principles of statistical mechanics.~\cite{Tolman1979} A large part of
170 xsun 3375 section~\ref{In:sec:SM} follows Tolman's notation.
171 xsun 3347
172     \subsection{Ensembles\label{In:ssec:ensemble}}
173     In classical mechanics, the state of the system is completely
174     described by the positions and momenta of all particles. If we have an
175 xsun 3372 $N$ particle system, there are $6N$ coordinates ($3N$ positions $(q_1,
176 xsun 3347 q_2, \ldots, q_{3N})$ and $3N$ momenta $(p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_{3N})$)
177     to define the instantaneous state of the system. Each single set of
178     the $6N$ coordinates can be considered as a unique point in a $6N$
179     dimensional space where each perpendicular axis is one of
180     $q_{i\alpha}$ or $p_{i\alpha}$ ($i$ is the particle and $\alpha$ is
181     the spatial axis). This $6N$ dimensional space is known as phase
182     space. The instantaneous state of the system is a single point in
183     phase space. A trajectory is a connected path of points in phase
184     space. An ensemble is a collection of systems described by the same
185     macroscopic observables but which have microscopic state
186     distributions. In phase space an ensemble is a collection of a set of
187     representive points. A density distribution $\rho(q^N, p^N)$ of the
188     representive points in phase space describes the condition of an
189     ensemble of identical systems. Since this density may change with
190     time, it is also a function of time. $\rho(q^N, p^N, t)$ describes the
191     ensemble at a time $t$, and $\rho(q^N, p^N, t')$ describes the
192     ensemble at a later time $t'$. For convenience, we will use $\rho$
193     instead of $\rho(q^N, p^N, t)$ in the following disccusion. If we
194     normalize $\rho$ to unity,
195     \begin{equation}
196     1 = \int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N \rho,
197 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:normalized}
198 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
199     then the value of $\rho$ gives the probability of finding the system
200 xsun 3372 in a unit volume in phase space.
201 xsun 3347
202     Liouville's theorem describes the change in density $\rho$ with
203 xsun 3372 time. The number of representative points at a given volume in phase
204 xsun 3347 space at any instant can be written as:
205     \begin{equation}
206 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:deltaN}
207 xsun 3347 \delta N = \rho~\delta q_1 \delta q_2 \ldots \delta q_N \delta p_1 \delta p_2 \ldots \delta p_N.
208     \end{equation}
209 xsun 3372 To calculate the change in the number of representative points in this
210 xsun 3347 volume, let us consider a simple condition: the change in the number
211 xsun 3372 of representative points along the $q_1$ axis. The rate of the number
212     of the representative points entering the volume at $q_1$ per unit time
213     is:
214 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
215 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:deltaNatq1}
216 xsun 3347 \rho~\dot q_1 \delta q_2 \ldots \delta q_N \delta p_1 \delta p_2 \ldots \delta p_N,
217     \end{equation}
218 xsun 3372 and the rate of the number of representative points leaving the volume
219 xsun 3347 at another position $q_1 + \delta q_1$ is:
220     \begin{equation}
221 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:deltaNatq1plusdeltaq1}
222 xsun 3347 \left( \rho + \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial q_1} \delta q_1 \right)\left(\dot q_1 +
223     \frac{\partial \dot q_1}{\partial q_1} \delta q_1 \right)\delta q_2 \ldots \delta q_N \delta p_1 \delta p_2 \ldots \delta p_N.
224     \end{equation}
225 xsun 3372 Here the higher order differentials are neglected. So the change in
226     the number of representative points is the difference between
227     eq.~\ref{Ineq:deltaNatq1} and eq.~\ref{Ineq:deltaNatq1plusdeltaq1},
228     which gives us:
229 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
230 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:deltaNatq1axis}
231 xsun 3347 -\left(\rho \frac{\partial {\dot q_1}}{\partial q_1} + \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial q_1} \dot q_1 \right)\delta q_1 \delta q_2 \ldots \delta q_N \delta p_1 \delta p_2 \ldots \delta p_N,
232     \end{equation}
233     where, higher order differetials are neglected. If we sum over all the
234 xsun 3372 axes in the phase space, we can get the change in the number of
235     representative points in a given volume with time:
236 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
237 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:deltaNatGivenVolume}
238 xsun 3347 \frac{d(\delta N)}{dt} = -\sum_{i=1}^N \left[\rho \left(\frac{\partial
239     {\dot q_i}}{\partial q_i} + \frac{\partial
240     {\dot p_i}}{\partial p_i}\right) + \left( \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial
241     q_i} \dot q_i + \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial p_i} \dot p_i\right)\right]\delta q_1 \delta q_2 \ldots \delta q_N \delta p_1 \delta p_2 \ldots \delta p_N.
242     \end{equation}
243 xsun 3372 From Hamilton's equations of motion,
244 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
245     \frac{\partial {\dot q_i}}{\partial q_i} = - \frac{\partial
246     {\dot p_i}}{\partial p_i},
247 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:canonicalFormOfEquationOfMotion}
248 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
249     this cancels out the first term on the right side of
250 xsun 3354 eq.~\ref{Ineq:deltaNatGivenVolume}. If both sides of
251     eq.~\ref{Ineq:deltaNatGivenVolume} are divided by $\delta q_1 \delta q_2
252 xsun 3347 \ldots \delta q_N \delta p_1 \delta p_2 \ldots \delta p_N$, then we
253 xsun 3372 arrive at Liouville's theorem:
254 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
255     \left( \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} \right)_{q, p} = -\sum_{i} \left(
256     \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial
257     q_i} \dot q_i + \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial p_i} \dot p_i \right).
258 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:simpleFormofLiouville}
259 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
260     This is the basis of statistical mechanics. If we move the right
261 xsun 3354 side of equation~\ref{Ineq:simpleFormofLiouville} to the left, we
262 xsun 3347 will obtain
263     \begin{equation}
264     \left( \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} \right)_{q, p} + \sum_{i} \left(
265     \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial
266     q_i} \dot q_i + \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial p_i} \dot p_i \right)
267     = 0.
268 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:anotherFormofLiouville}
269 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
270     It is easy to note that the left side of
271 xsun 3354 equation~\ref{Ineq:anotherFormofLiouville} is the total derivative of
272 xsun 3372 $\rho$ with respect to $t$, which means
273 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
274     \frac{d \rho}{dt} = 0,
275 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:conservationofRho}
276 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
277     and the rate of density change is zero in the neighborhood of any
278 xsun 3372 selected moving representative points in the phase space.
279 xsun 3347
280 xsun 3375 The type of thermodynamic ensemble is determined by the density
281 xsun 3347 distribution. If we consider the density distribution as only a
282     function of $q$ and $p$, which means the rate of change of the phase
283 xsun 3372 space density in the neighborhood of all representative points in the
284 xsun 3347 phase space is zero,
285     \begin{equation}
286     \left( \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} \right)_{q, p} = 0.
287 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:statEquilibrium}
288 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
289     We may conclude the ensemble is in {\it statistical equilibrium}. An
290 xsun 3372 ensemble in statistical equilibrium means the system is also in
291 xsun 3347 macroscopic equilibrium. If $\left( \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}
292     \right)_{q, p} = 0$, then
293     \begin{equation}
294     \sum_{i} \left(
295     \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial
296     q_i} \dot q_i + \frac{\partial {\rho}}{\partial p_i} \dot p_i \right)
297     = 0.
298 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:constantofMotion}
299 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
300     If $\rho$ is a function only of some constant of the motion, $\rho$ is
301     independent of time. For a conservative system, the energy of the
302 xsun 3372 system is one of the constants of the motion. There are many
303     thermodynamically relevant ensembles: when the density distribution is
304     constant everywhere in the phase space,
305 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
306     \rho = \mathrm{const.}
307 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:uniformEnsemble}
308 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
309 xsun 3375 the ensemble is called {\it uniform ensemble}, but this ensemble has
310     little relevance for physical chemistry. It is an ensemble with
311     essentially infinite temperature.
312 xsun 3372
313     \subsubsection{The Microcanonical Ensemble\label{In:sssec:microcanonical}}
314 xsun 3375 The most useful ensemble for Molecular Dynamics is the {\it
315     microcanonical ensemble}, for which:
316 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
317     \rho = \delta \left( H(q^N, p^N) - E \right) \frac{1}{\Sigma (N, V, E)}
318 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:microcanonicalEnsemble}
319 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
320     where $\Sigma(N, V, E)$ is a normalization constant parameterized by
321     $N$, the total number of particles, $V$, the total physical volume and
322     $E$, the total energy. The physical meaning of $\Sigma(N, V, E)$ is
323     the phase space volume accessible to a microcanonical system with
324     energy $E$ evolving under Hamilton's equations. $H(q^N, p^N)$ is the
325     Hamiltonian of the system. The Gibbs entropy is defined as
326     \begin{equation}
327     S = - k_B \int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N \rho \ln [C^N \rho],
328 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:gibbsEntropy}
329 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
330     where $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant and $C^N$ is a number which
331 xsun 3372 makes the argument of $\ln$ dimensionless. In this case, $C^N$ is the
332 xsun 3375 total phase space volume of one state which has the same units as
333     $\Sigma(N, V, E)$. The entropy of a microcanonical ensemble is given
334     by
335 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
336     S = k_B \ln \left(\frac{\Sigma(N, V, E)}{C^N}\right).
337 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:entropy}
338 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
339 xsun 3372
340     \subsubsection{The Canonical Ensemble\label{In:sssec:canonical}}
341 xsun 3347 If the density distribution $\rho$ is given by
342     \begin{equation}
343     \rho = \frac{1}{Z_N}e^{-H(q^N, p^N) / k_B T},
344 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:canonicalEnsemble}
345 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
346     the ensemble is known as the {\it canonical ensemble}. Here,
347     \begin{equation}
348     Z_N = \int d \vec q~^N \int_\Gamma d \vec p~^N e^{-H(q^N, p^N) / k_B T},
349 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:partitionFunction}
350 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
351 xsun 3375 which is also known as the canonical {\it partition
352     function}. $\Gamma$ indicates that the integral is over all phase
353     space. In the canonical ensemble, $N$, the total number of particles,
354     $V$, total volume, and $T$, the temperature, are constants. The
355     systems with the lowest energies hold the largest
356     population. Thermodynamics maximizes the entropy, $S$, implying that
357 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
358     \begin{array}{ccc}
359     \delta S = 0 & \mathrm{and} & \delta^2 S < 0.
360     \end{array}
361 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:maximumPrinciple}
362 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
363 xsun 3372 From Eq.~\ref{Ineq:maximumPrinciple} and two constrains on the
364     canonical ensemble, {\it i.e.}, total probability and average energy
365     must be conserved, the partition function can be shown to be
366     equivalent to
367 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
368     Z_N = e^{-A/k_B T},
369 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:partitionFunctionWithFreeEnergy}
370 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
371     where $A$ is the Helmholtz free energy. The significance of
372 xsun 3354 Eq.~\ref{Ineq:entropy} and~\ref{Ineq:partitionFunctionWithFreeEnergy} is
373 xsun 3347 that they serve as a connection between macroscopic properties of the
374 xsun 3372 system and the distribution of microscopic states.
375 xsun 3347
376     There is an implicit assumption that our arguments are based on so
377 xsun 3375 far. Tow representative points in phase space are equally likely to be
378     found if they have the same energy. In other words, all energetically
379     accessible states are represented , and the probabilities to find the
380     system in any of the accessible states is equal to that states
381     Boltzmann weight. This is called the principle of equal a {\it priori}
382 xsun 3372 probabilities.
383 xsun 3347
384 xsun 3372 \subsection{Statistical Averages\label{In:ssec:average}}
385     Given a density distribution $\rho$ in phase space, the average
386 xsun 3347 of any quantity ($F(q^N, p^N$)) which depends on the coordinates
387     ($q^N$) and the momenta ($p^N$) for all the systems in the ensemble
388     can be calculated based on the definition shown by
389 xsun 3354 Eq.~\ref{Ineq:statAverage1}
390 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
391 xsun 3372 \langle F(q^N, p^N) \rangle = \frac{\int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N
392     F(q^N, p^N) \rho}{\int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N \rho}.
393 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:statAverage1}
394 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
395     Since the density distribution $\rho$ is normalized to unity, the mean
396     value of $F(q^N, p^N)$ is simplified to
397     \begin{equation}
398 xsun 3372 \langle F(q^N, p^N) \rangle = \int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N F(q^N,
399     p^N) \rho,
400 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:statAverage2}
401 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
402 xsun 3372 called the {\it ensemble average}. However, the quantity is often
403     averaged for a finite time in real experiments,
404 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
405     \langle F(q^N, p^N) \rangle_t = \lim_{T \rightarrow \infty}
406 xsun 3372 \frac{1}{T} \int_{t_0}^{t_0+T} F[q^N(t), p^N(t)] dt.
407 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:timeAverage1}
408 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
409     Usually this time average is independent of $t_0$ in statistical
410 xsun 3354 mechanics, so Eq.~\ref{Ineq:timeAverage1} becomes
411 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
412     \langle F(q^N, p^N) \rangle_t = \lim_{T \rightarrow \infty}
413 xsun 3372 \frac{1}{T} \int_{0}^{T} F[q^N(t), p^N(t)] dt
414 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:timeAverage2}
415 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
416 xsun 3375 for an finite time interval, $T$.
417 xsun 3347
418 xsun 3372 \subsubsection{Ergodicity\label{In:sssec:ergodicity}}
419     The {\it ergodic hypothesis}, an important hypothesis governing modern
420     computer simulations states that the system will eventually pass
421 xsun 3347 arbitrarily close to any point that is energetically accessible in
422     phase space. Mathematically, this leads to
423     \begin{equation}
424 xsun 3372 \langle F(q^N, p^N) \rangle = \langle F(q^N, p^N) \rangle_t.
425 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:ergodicity}
426 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
427 xsun 3372 Eq.~\ref{Ineq:ergodicity} validates Molecular Dynamics as a form of
428     averaging for sufficiently ergodic systems. Also Monte Carlo may be
429     used to obtain ensemble averages of a quantity which are related to
430     time averages measured in experiments.
431 xsun 3347
432 xsun 3372 \subsection{Correlation Functions\label{In:ssec:corr}}
433     Thermodynamic properties can be computed by equilibrium statistical
434     mechanics. On the other hand, {\it Time correlation functions} are a
435     powerful tool to understand the evolution of a dynamical
436     systems. Imagine that property $A(q^N, p^N, t)$ as a function of
437     coordinates $q^N$ and momenta $p^N$ has an intial value at $t_0$, and
438     at a later time $t_0 + \tau$ this value has changed. If $\tau$ is very
439     small, the change of the value is minor, and the later value of
440     $A(q^N, p^N, t_0 + \tau)$ is correlated to its initial value. However,
441     when $\tau$ is large, this correlation is lost. A time correlation
442     function measures this relationship and is defined
443     by~\cite{Berne90}
444 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
445 xsun 3372 C_{AA}(\tau) = \langle A(0)A(\tau) \rangle = \lim_{T \rightarrow
446     \infty}
447 xsun 3347 \frac{1}{T} \int_{0}^{T} dt A(t) A(t + \tau).
448 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:autocorrelationFunction}
449 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
450 xsun 3372 Eq.~\ref{Ineq:autocorrelationFunction} is the correlation function of
451     a single variable, called an {\it autocorrelation function}. The
452     definition of the correlation function for two different variables is
453     similar to that of autocorrelation function, which is
454 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
455 xsun 3372 C_{AB}(\tau) = \langle A(0)B(\tau) \rangle = \lim_{T \rightarrow \infty}
456 xsun 3347 \frac{1}{T} \int_{0}^{T} dt A(t) B(t + \tau),
457 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:crosscorrelationFunction}
458 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
459 xsun 3375 and is called a {\it cross correlation function}.
460 xsun 3347
461 xsun 3372 We know from the ergodic hypothesis that there is a relationship
462     between time average and ensemble average. We can put the correlation
463 xsun 3375 function in a classical mechanical form,
464 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
465 xsun 3375 C_{AA}(\tau) = \int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N A[(q^N, p^N]
466     A[q^N(\tau), p^N(\tau)] \rho(q^N, p^N)
467 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:autocorrelationFunctionCM}
468 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
469 xsun 3375 where $q^N(\tau)$, $p^N(\tau)$ is the phase space point that follows
470     classical evolution of the point $q^N$, $p^N$ after a tme $\tau$ has
471     elapsed, and
472 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
473 xsun 3375 C_{AB}(\tau) = \int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N A[(q^N, p^N]
474     B[q^N(\tau), p^N(\tau)] \rho(q^N, p^N)
475 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:crosscorrelationFunctionCM}
476 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
477 xsun 3374 as the autocorrelation function and cross correlation functions
478 xsun 3347 respectively. $\rho(q, p)$ is the density distribution at equillibrium
479 xsun 3374 in phase space. In many cases, correlation functions decay as a
480     single exponential in time
481 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
482     C(t) \sim e^{-t / \tau_r},
483 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:relaxation}
484 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
485 xsun 3374 where $\tau_r$ is known as relaxation time which describes the rate of
486 xsun 3347 the decay.
488 xsun 3374 \section{Methodology\label{In:sec:method}}
489     The simulations performed in this dissertation branch into two main
490     categories, Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics. There are two main
491     differences between Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics
492     simulations. One is that the Monte Carlo simulations are time
493     independent methods of sampling structural features of an ensemble,
494     while Molecular Dynamics simulations provide dynamic
495 xsun 3375 information. Additionally, Monte Carlo methods are stochastic
496     processes; the future configurations of the system are not determined
497 xsun 3374 by its past. However, in Molecular Dynamics, the system is propagated
498 xsun 3375 by Hamilton's equations of motion, and the trajectory of the system
499 xsun 3374 evolving in phase space is deterministic. Brief introductions of the
500     two algorithms are given in section~\ref{In:ssec:mc}
501     and~\ref{In:ssec:md}. Langevin Dynamics, an extension of the Molecular
502     Dynamics that includes implicit solvent effects, is introduced by
503 xsun 3347 section~\ref{In:ssec:ld}.
505     \subsection{Monte Carlo\label{In:ssec:mc}}
506 xsun 3374 A Monte Carlo integration algorithm was first introduced by Metropolis
507     {\it et al.}~\cite{Metropolis53} The basic Metropolis Monte Carlo
508     algorithm is usually applied to the canonical ensemble, a
509 xsun 3375 Boltzmann-weighted ensemble, in which $N$, the total number of
510     particles, $V$, the total volume, and $T$, the temperature are
511     constants. An average in this ensemble is given
512 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
513 xsun 3374 \langle A \rangle = \frac{1}{Z_N} \int d \vec q~^N \int d \vec p~^N
514     A(q^N, p^N) e^{-H(q^N, p^N) / k_B T}.
515 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:energyofCanonicalEnsemble}
516 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
517 xsun 3374 The Hamiltonian is the sum of the kinetic energy, $K(p^N)$, a function
518     of momenta and the potential energy, $U(q^N)$, a function of
519     positions,
520 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
521     H(q^N, p^N) = K(p^N) + U(q^N).
522 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:hamiltonian}
523 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
524 xsun 3374 If the property $A$ is a function only of position ($ A = A(q^N)$),
525     the mean value of $A$ can be reduced to
526 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
527 xsun 3374 \langle A \rangle = \frac{\int d \vec q~^N A e^{-U(q^N) / k_B T}}{\int d \vec q~^N e^{-U(q^N) / k_B T}},
528 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:configurationIntegral}
529 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
530     The kinetic energy $K(p^N)$ is factored out in
531 xsun 3354 Eq.~\ref{Ineq:configurationIntegral}. $\langle A
532 xsun 3374 \rangle$ is now a configuration integral, and
533 xsun 3354 Eq.~\ref{Ineq:configurationIntegral} is equivalent to
534 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
535 xsun 3375 \langle A \rangle = \int d \vec q~^N A \rho(q^N),
536 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:configurationAve}
537 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
538 xsun 3375 where $\rho(q^N)$ is a configurational probability
539     \begin{equation}
540     \rho(q^N) = \frac{e^{-U(q^N) / k_B T}}{\int d \vec q~^N e^{-U(q^N) / k_B T}}.
541     \label{Ineq:configurationProb}
542     \end{equation}
543 xsun 3347
544 xsun 3374 In a Monte Carlo simulation of a system in the canonical ensemble, the
545     probability of the system being in a state $s$ is $\rho_s$, the change
546     of this probability with time is given by
547 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
548     \frac{d \rho_s}{dt} = \sum_{s'} [ -w_{ss'}\rho_s + w_{s's}\rho_{s'} ],
549 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:timeChangeofProb}
550 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
551     where $w_{ss'}$ is the tansition probability of going from state $s$
552     to state $s'$. Since $\rho_s$ is independent of time at equilibrium,
553     \begin{equation}
554     \frac{d \rho_{s}^{equilibrium}}{dt} = 0,
555 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:equiProb}
556 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
557 xsun 3375 the sum of transition probabilities $\sum_{s'} [ -w_{ss'}\rho_s +
558     w_{s's}\rho_{s'} ]$ is $0$ for all $s'$. So
559 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
560     \frac{\rho_s^{equilibrium}}{\rho_{s'}^{equilibrium}} = \frac{w_{s's}}{w_{ss'}}.
561 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:relationshipofRhoandW}
562 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
563 xsun 3374 If the ratio of state populations
564 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
565 xsun 3374 \frac{\rho_s^{equilibrium}}{\rho_{s'}^{equilibrium}} = e^{-(U_s - U_{s'}) / k_B T}.
566     \label{Ineq:satisfyofBoltzmannStatistics}
567     \end{equation}
568     then the ratio of transition probabilities,
569     \begin{equation}
570 xsun 3347 \frac{w_{s's}}{w_{ss'}} = e^{-(U_s - U_{s'}) / k_B T},
571 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:conditionforBoltzmannStatistics}
572 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
573 xsun 3375 An algorithm that indicates how a Monte Carlo simulation generates a
574 xsun 3374 transition probability governed by
575     \ref{Ineq:conditionforBoltzmannStatistics}, is given schematically as,
576 xsun 3347 \begin{enumerate}
577 xsun 3374 \item\label{Initm:oldEnergy} Choose a particle randomly, and calculate
578 xsun 3375 the energy of the rest of the system due to the current location of
579     the particle.
580 xsun 3374 \item\label{Initm:newEnergy} Make a random displacement of the particle,
581     calculate the new energy taking the movement of the particle into account.
582 xsun 3347 \begin{itemize}
583 xsun 3375 \item If the energy goes down, keep the new configuration.
584 xsun 3374 \item If the energy goes up, pick a random number between $[0,1]$.
585 xsun 3347 \begin{itemize}
586 xsun 3374 \item If the random number smaller than
587 xsun 3375 $e^{-(U_{new} - U_{old})} / k_B T$, keep the new configuration.
588 xsun 3374 \item If the random number is larger than
589 xsun 3375 $e^{-(U_{new} - U_{old})} / k_B T$, keep the old configuration.
590 xsun 3347 \end{itemize}
591     \end{itemize}
592 xsun 3374 \item\label{Initm:accumulateAvg} Accumulate the averages based on the
593 xsun 3375 current configuration.
594 xsun 3374 \item Go to step~\ref{Initm:oldEnergy}.
595 xsun 3347 \end{enumerate}
596 xsun 3375 It is important for sampling accuracy that the old configuration is
597 xsun 3374 sampled again if it is kept.
598 xsun 3347
599     \subsection{Molecular Dynamics\label{In:ssec:md}}
600     Although some of properites of the system can be calculated from the
601 xsun 3374 ensemble average in Monte Carlo simulations, due to the absence of the
602     time dependence, it is impossible to gain information on dynamic
603     properties from Monte Carlo simulations. Molecular Dynamics evolves
604     the positions and momenta of the particles in the system. The
605     evolution of the system obeys the laws of classical mechanics, and in
606     most situations, there is no need to account for quantum effects. In a
607     real experiment, the instantaneous positions and momenta of the
608 xsun 3375 particles in the system are ofter neither important nor measurable,
609     the observable quantities are usually an average value for a finite
610     time interval. These quantities are expressed as a function of
611     positions and momenta in Molecular Dynamics simulations. For example,
612 xsun 3374 temperature of the system is defined by
613 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
614 xsun 3374 \frac{3}{2} N k_B T = \langle \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{1}{2} m_i v_i \rangle,
615 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:temperature}
616 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
617 xsun 3374 here $m_i$ is the mass of particle $i$ and $v_i$ is the velocity of
618     particle $i$. The right side of Eq.~\ref{Ineq:temperature} is the
619     average kinetic energy of the system.
620 xsun 3347
621 xsun 3374 The initial positions of the particles are chosen so that there is no
622     overlap of the particles. The initial velocities at first are
623     distributed randomly to the particles using a Maxwell-Boltzmann
624 xsun 3375 distribution, and then shifted to make the total linear momentum of
625     the system $0$.
626 xsun 3374
627     The core of Molecular Dynamics simulations is the calculation of
628     forces and the integration algorithm. Calculation of the forces often
629     involves enormous effort. This is the most time consuming step in the
630     Molecular Dynamics scheme. Evaluation of the forces is mathematically
631     simple,
632 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
633     f(q) = - \frac{\partial U(q)}{\partial q},
634 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:force}
635 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
636 xsun 3374 where $U(q)$ is the potential of the system. However, the numerical
637     details of this computation are often quite complex. Once the forces
638     computed, the positions and velocities are updated by integrating
639     Hamilton's equations of motion,
640     \begin{eqnarray}
641     \dot p_i & = & -\frac{\partial H}{\partial q_i} = -\frac{\partial
642     U(q_i)}{\partial q_i} = f(q_i) \\
643     \dot q_i & = & p_i
644 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:newton}
645 xsun 3374 \end{eqnarray}
646     The classic example of an integrating algorithm is the Verlet
647     algorithm, which is one of the simplest algorithms for integrating the
648     equations of motion. The Taylor expansion of the position at time $t$
649     is
650 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
651 xsun 3375 q(t+\Delta t)= q(t) + \frac{p(t)}{m} \Delta t + \frac{f(t)}{2m}\Delta t^2 +
652 xsun 3347 \frac{\Delta t^3}{3!}\frac{\partial^3 q(t)}{\partial t^3} +
653     \mathcal{O}(\Delta t^4)
654 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:verletFuture}
655 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
656     for a later time $t+\Delta t$, and
657     \begin{equation}
658 xsun 3375 q(t-\Delta t)= q(t) - \frac{p(t)}{m} \Delta t + \frac{f(t)}{2m}\Delta t^2 -
659 xsun 3347 \frac{\Delta t^3}{3!}\frac{\partial^3 q(t)}{\partial t^3} +
660     \mathcal{O}(\Delta t^4) ,
661 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:verletPrevious}
662 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
663 xsun 3374 for a previous time $t-\Delta t$. Adding Eq.~\ref{Ineq:verletFuture}
664     and~\ref{Ineq:verletPrevious} gives
665 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
666     q(t+\Delta t)+q(t-\Delta t) =
667     2q(t) + \frac{f(t)}{m}\Delta t^2 + \mathcal{O}(\Delta t^4),
668 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:verletSum}
669 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
670     so, the new position can be expressed as
671     \begin{equation}
672     q(t+\Delta t) \approx
673     2q(t) - q(t-\Delta t) + \frac{f(t)}{m}\Delta t^2.
674 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:newPosition}
675 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
676 xsun 3374 The higher order terms in $\Delta t$ are omitted.
677 xsun 3347
678 xsun 3374 Numerous techniques and tricks have been applied to Molecular Dynamics
679     simulations to gain greater efficiency or accuracy. The engine used in
680     this dissertation for the Molecular Dynamics simulations is {\sc
681     oopse}. More details of the algorithms and techniques used in this
682     code can be found in Ref.~\cite{Meineke2005}.
683 xsun 3347
684     \subsection{Langevin Dynamics\label{In:ssec:ld}}
685 xsun 3375 In many cases, the properites of the solvent (like the water in the
686     lipid-water system studied in this dissertation) are less interesting
687     to the researchers than the behavior of the solute. However, the major
688     computational expense is ofter the solvent-solvent interactions, this
689     is due to the large number of the solvent molecules when compared to
690     the number of solute molecules. The ratio of the number of lipid
691     molecules to the number of water molecules is $1:25$ in our
692     lipid-water system. The efficiency of the Molecular Dynamics
693     simulations is greatly reduced, with up to 85\% of CPU time spent
694     calculating only water-water interactions.
695 xsun 3347
696 xsun 3374 As an extension of the Molecular Dynamics methodologies, Langevin
697     Dynamics seeks a way to avoid integrating the equations of motion for
698     solvent particles without losing the solvent effects on the solute
699     particles. One common approximation is to express the coupling of the
700     solute and solvent as a set of harmonic oscillators. The Hamiltonian
701     of such a system is written as
702 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
703     H = \frac{p^2}{2m} + U(q) + H_B + \Delta U(q),
704 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:hamiltonianofCoupling}
705 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
706 xsun 3374 where $H_B$ is the Hamiltonian of the bath which is a set of N
707     harmonic oscillators
708 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
709     H_B = \sum_{\alpha = 1}^{N} \left\{ \frac{p_\alpha^2}{2m_\alpha} +
710     \frac{1}{2} m_\alpha \omega_\alpha^2 q_\alpha^2\right\},
711 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:hamiltonianofBath}
712 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
713 xsun 3374 $\alpha$ runs over all the degree of freedoms of the bath,
714     $\omega_\alpha$ is the bath frequency of oscillator $\alpha$, and
715     $\Delta U(q)$ is the bilinear coupling given by
716 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
717     \Delta U = -\sum_{\alpha = 1}^{N} g_\alpha q_\alpha q,
718 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:systemBathCoupling}
719 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
720 xsun 3374 where $g_\alpha$ is the coupling constant for oscillator $\alpha$. By
721     solving the Hamilton's equations of motion, the {\it Generalized
722     Langevin Equation} for this system is derived as
723 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
724     m \ddot q = -\frac{\partial W(q)}{\partial q} - \int_0^t \xi(t) \dot q(t-t')dt' + R(t),
725 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:gle}
726 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
727     with mean force,
728     \begin{equation}
729     W(q) = U(q) - \sum_{\alpha = 1}^N \frac{g_\alpha^2}{2m_\alpha
730 xsun 3374 \omega_\alpha^2}q^2.
731 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:meanForce}
732 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
733 xsun 3374 The {\it friction kernel}, $\xi(t)$, depends only on the coordinates
734     of the solute particles,
735 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
736     \xi(t) = \sum_{\alpha = 1}^N \frac{-g_\alpha}{m_\alpha
737     \omega_\alpha} \cos(\omega_\alpha t),
738 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:xiforGLE}
739 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
740 xsun 3374 and a ``random'' force,
741 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
742     R(t) = \sum_{\alpha = 1}^N \left( g_\alpha q_\alpha(0)-\frac{g_\alpha}{m_\alpha
743     \omega_\alpha^2}q(0)\right) \cos(\omega_\alpha t) + \frac{\dot
744     q_\alpha(0)}{\omega_\alpha} \sin(\omega_\alpha t),
745 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:randomForceforGLE}
746 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
747 xsun 3375 that depends only on the initial conditions. The relationship of
748     friction kernel $\xi(t)$ and random force $R(t)$ is given by the
749     second fluctuation dissipation theorem,
750 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
751 xsun 3374 \xi(t) = \frac{1}{k_B T} \langle R(t)R(0) \rangle.
752 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:relationshipofXiandR}
753 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
754 xsun 3374 In the harmonic bath this relation is exact and provable from the
755     definitions of these quantities. In the limit of static friction,
756 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
757     \xi(t) = 2 \xi_0 \delta(t).
758 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:xiofStaticFriction}
759 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
760 xsun 3374 After substituting $\xi(t)$ into Eq.~\ref{Ineq:gle} with
761     Eq.~\ref{Ineq:xiofStaticFriction}, the {\it Langevin Equation} is
762     extracted,
763 xsun 3347 \begin{equation}
764     m \ddot q = -\frac{\partial U(q)}{\partial q} - \xi \dot q(t) + R(t).
765 xsun 3354 \label{Ineq:langevinEquation}
766 xsun 3347 \end{equation}
767 xsun 3374 Application of the Langevin Equation to dynamic simulations is
768     discussed in Ch.~\ref{chap:ld}.