| Vector2 (Real x, Real y) |
| Constructs and initializes a Vector2 from x and y coordinates.
| Vector2 (Real *array) |
| Constructs and initializes from an array.
| Vector2 (const Vector< Real, 2 > &v) |
Vector2< Real > & | operator= (const Vector< Real, 2 > &v) |
Real & | x () |
| Returns reference of the first element of Vector2.
Real | x () const |
| Returns the first element of Vector2.
Real & | y () |
| Returns reference of the second element of Vector2.
Real | y () const |
| Returns the second element of Vector2.
| Vector () |
| default constructor
| Vector (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v) |
| Constructs and initializes a Vector from a vector.
| Vector (const Real &s) |
| Vector (Real *v) |
| Constructs and initializes a Vector from an array.
Vector< Real, Dim > & | operator= (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v) |
| copy assignment operator
Vector< Real, Dim > & | operator= (const Real *v) |
| array assignment operator
Real & | operator[] (unsigned int i) |
| Returns reference of ith element.
const Real & | operator[] (unsigned int i) const |
| Returns constant reference of ith element.
Real & | operator() (unsigned int i) |
| Returns reference of ith element.
const Real & | operator() (unsigned int i) const |
| Returns constant reference of ith element.
void | getArray (Real *array) |
| Copy the internal data to an array.
Real * | getArrayPointer () |
| Returns the pointer of internal array.
bool | operator== (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v) |
| Tests if this vetor is equal to other vector.
bool | operator!= (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v) |
| Tests if this vetor is not equal to other vector.
void | zero () |
| Zeros out the values in this vector in place.
void | negate () |
| Negates the value of this vector in place.
void | negate (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the negation of vector v1.
void | add (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the sum of itself and v1 (*this += v1).
void | add (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1, const Vector< Real, Dim > &v2) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the sum of v1 and v2 (*this = v1 + v2).
void | sub (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the difference of itself and v1 (*this -= v1).
void | sub (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1, const Vector &v2) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the difference of vector v1 and v2 (*this = v1 - v2).
void | mul (Real s) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the scalar multiplication of itself (*this *= s).
void | mul (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1, Real s) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the scalar multiplication of vector v1 (*this = s * v1).
void | Vmul (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1, const Vector< Real, Dim > &v2) |
| Sets the elements of this vector to the multiplication of elements of two other vectors.
Vector< Real, Dim > & | abs () |
Real | max () |
void | div (Real s) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the scalar division of itself (*this /= s ).
void | div (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1, Real s) |
| Sets the value of this vector to the scalar division of vector v1 (*this = v1 / s ).
void | Vdiv (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1, const Vector< Real, Dim > &v2) |
| Sets the elements of this vector to the division of elements of two other vectors.
Vector< Real, Dim > & | operator+= (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1) |
Vector< Real, Dim > & | operator-= (const Vector< Real, Dim > &v1) |
Vector< Real, Dim > & | operator*= (Real s) |
Vector< Real, Dim > & | operator/= (Real s) |
Real | sum () |
| Returns the sum of all elements of this vector.
Real | componentProduct () |
| Returns the product of all elements of this vector.
Real | length () |
| Returns the length of this vector.
Real | lengthSquare () |
| Returns the squared length of this vector.
void | normalize () |
| Normalizes this vector in place.
bool | isNormalized () |
| Tests if this vector is normalized.
unsigned int | size () const |
template<typename Real>
class OpenMD::Vector2< Real >
Definition at line 56 of file Vector2.hpp.