OpenMD 3.1
Molecular Dynamics in the Open
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 COpenMD::Utils::Accumulator< T >
 COpenMD::Utils::Accumulator< Mat3x3d >
 COpenMD::Accumulator< RealType >
 COpenMD::Utils::Accumulator< std::vector< RealType > >
 COpenMD::Utils::Accumulator< Vector< RealType, Dim > >
 COpenMD::Utils::AccumulatorView< T >
 Cantlr::ASTArrayASTArray is a class that allows ANTLR to generate code that can create and initialize an array in one expression, like: (new ASTArray(3))->add(x)->add(y)->add(z)
 Cantlr::ASTFactoryAST Super Factory shared by TreeParser and Parser
 Cantlr::ASTPairASTPair: utility class used for manipulating a pair of ASTs representing the current AST root and current AST sibling
 Cantlr::ASTRefCount< T >
 Cantlr::ASTRefCount< AST >
 Cantlr::ASTRefCount< BaseAST >
 COpenMD::AtomTypeAtomType is what OpenMD looks to for unchanging data about an atom
 Cantlr::BitSetA BitSet to replace java.util.BitSet
 COpenMD::BondTypeBondType class is responsible for calculating the force and energy of the bond
 Cantlr ::CharScanner
 Cantlr::CharScannerLiteralsLessFunctor for the literals map
 COpenMD::ChebyshevTA collection of Chebyshev Polynomials
 COpenMD::ChebyshevUA collection of Chebyshev Polynomials
 Cantlr::CircularQueue< T >
 Cantlr::CircularQueue< antlr::TokenRefCount >
 Cantlr::CircularQueue< int >
 Ccmdline_parser_paramsThe additional parameters to pass to parser functions
 Cantlr ::CommonToken
 COpenMD::Communicator< D >
 COpenMD::Communicator< Column >
 COpenMD::Communicator< Row >
 CQuantLib::ConstraintBase constraint class
 COpenMD::ConstraintElemAn adapter class of StuntDouble which is used at constraint algorithm
 COpenMD::CuboctahedronGenerates coordinates of atoms inside a Cuboctahedron
 COpenMD::DecahedronCreates the regular decahedron, Ino decahedron, or truncated (Marks) decahedron structures (depending on the parameters)
 COpenMD::DynamicRectMatrix< Real >Rectangular matrix class
 COpenMD::DynamicRectMatrix< RealType >
 COpenMD::DynamicVector< Real, Alloc >Dynamically-sized vector class
 COpenMD::DynamicVector< RealType >
 CJAMA::Eigenvalue< Real >Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real (non-complex) matrix
 COpenMD::ElementsTablePeriodic Table of the Elements Using element data is a place holder when we lack information about a specific atom type
 CQuantLib::EndCriteriaCriteria to end optimization process:
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 COpenMD::FluctuatingChargePropagatorAbstract class for propagating fluctuating charge variables
 COpenMD::ForceDecompositionForceDecomposition is an interface for passing out and collecting information from many processors at various stages of the main non-bonded ForceLoop
 COpenMD::ForceManagerForceManager is responsible for calculating both the short range (bonded) interactions and long range (non-bonded) interactions
 COpenMD::ForceModifierAbstract class for external ForceModifier classes
 COpenMD::FrameDataFrameData is a structure for holding system-wide dynamic data about the simulation
 COpenMD::FrameTimeCorrFunc< Mat3x3d >
 COpenMD::FrameTimeCorrFunc< RealType >
 COpenMD::GenericData@ class GenericData GenericData.hpp "utils/GenericData.hpp"
 COpenMD::GenericFactory< Object, IdentType, Creator >GenericFactory is a template based Object Factory Factory pattern is used to define an interface for creating an object
 Cgengetopt_args_infoWhere the command line options are stored
 COpenMD::Grid3D< Elem >
 CGrid3dA generic 3d grid class
 COpenMD::HydrodynamicsModelFactoryFactory pattern and Singleton Pattern are used to define an interface for creating an HydrodynamicsModel
 COpenMD::HydroPropContainer for information about the hydrodynamic behavior of objects interacting with surroundings
 COpenMD::IcosahedronCreate the Mackay icosahedron structure
 CQuantLib::Constraint::ImplBase class for constraint implementations
 Cantlr::InputBufferA Stream of characters fed to the lexer from a InputStream that can be rewound via mark()/rewind() methods
 COpenMD::IntegratorDeclaration of the Integrator base class, which all other integrators inherit from
 COpenMD::IntegratorFactoryFactory pattern and Singleton Pattern are used to define an interface for creating an Integrator
 COpenMD::InteractionDataThe InteractionData struct
 COpenMD::InteractionManagerInteractionManager is responsible for keeping track of the non-bonded interactions (C++)
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 COpenMD::LatticeFactoryFactory pattern and Singleton Pattern are used to define an interface for creating an Lattice
 COpenMD::LegendreGauss1d< returnType, argumentType >
 COpenMD::LegendreGauss1d< RealType, RealType >
 COpenMD::LegendrePolynomialA collection of Legendre Polynomials
 Cantlr::LexerInputStateThis object contains the data associated with an input stream of characters
 CQuantLib::LineSearchBase class for line search
 Cantlr ::LLkParser
 COpenMD::MPITraits< T >
 COpenMD::MPITraits< RectMatrix< T, R, C > >
 COpenMD::MPITraits< SquareMatrix3< T > >
 COpenMD::MPITraits< Vector3< T > >
 COpenMD::MPITraits< Vector< T, Dim > >
 COpenMD::NonBondedInteractionThe basic interface for non-bonded interactions
 COpenMD::NonBondedInteractionTypeNonBondedInteractionType class is responsible for keeping track of static (unchanging) parameters for explicit non-bonded interactions
 CQuantLib::ObjectiveFunctionObjective function abstract class for optimization problem
 COpenMD::OpenMDBitSetOpenMDBitSet is a wrapper class of std::vector<bool> to act as a growable std::bitset
 COpenMD::OptimizationFactoryFactory pattern and Singleton Pattern are used to define an interface for creating an Optimization
 CQuantLib::OptimizationMethodAbstract class for constrained optimization method
 COpenMD::PairListPairList class maintains a general purpose list of atom pairs using the global indices of the atoms
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< Derived >This class allows to recognize constraint predicates, so that they can be combined using composition operators
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< AndParamConstraint< Cons1T, Cons2T > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< EqualConstraint< T > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< EqualIgnoreCaseConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< EvenConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< GreaterThanConstraint< T > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< GreaterThanOrEqualTo< T > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< LessThanConstraint< T > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< LessThanOrEqualToConstraint< T > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< NegativeConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< NonNegativeConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< NonPositiveConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< NonZeroConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< NotEmptyConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< NotParamConstraint< ConsT > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< OrParamConstraint< Cons1T, Cons2T > >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< PositiveConstraint >
 COpenMD::ParamConstraintFacade< ZeroConstraint >
 CParameterTraits< T >
 CParameterTraits< bool >
 CParameterTraits< int >
 CParameterTraits< RealType >
 CParameterTraits< std::pair< int, int > >
 CParameterTraits< std::string >
 CParameterTraits< std::vector< RealType > >
 CParameterTraits< unsigned long int >
 Cantlr::ParserA generic ANTLR parser (LL(k) for k>=1) containing a bunch of utility routines useful at any lookahead depth
 Cantlr::ParserInputStateThis object contains the data associated with an input stream of tokens
 COpenMD::Plan< T >
 COpenMD::Plan< int >
 COpenMD::Plan< OpenMD::SquareMatrix3 >
 COpenMD::Plan< OpenMD::Vector >
 COpenMD::Plan< OpenMD::Vector3 >
 COpenMD::Plan< RealType >
 COpenMD::Polynomial< Real >A generic Polynomial class
 COpenMD::Polynomial< RealType >
 CQuantLib::ProblemConstrained optimization problem
 COpenMD::PropertyMapPropertyMap class maintains a list of GenericData
 CJAMA::QR< Real >
 COpenMD::Utils::RandNumGenMinimize the interface for the standard library's Mersenne Twister PRNG while maintaining the UniformRandomBitGenerator named requirement
 COpenMD::RattleVelocity Verlet Constraint Algorithm
 COpenMD::RealSymmetricTridiagonal< Real >Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real (non-complex) symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the QL method
 COpenMD::RectMatrix< Real, Row, Col >Rectangular matrix class
 COpenMD::RectMatrix< Real, Dim, Dim >
 COpenMD::RectMatrix< RealType, Dim, Dim >
 Cantlr::RefCount< T >
 Cantlr::RefCount< LexerInputState >
 Cantlr::RefCount< ParserInputState >
 Cantlr::RefCount< TreeParserInputState >
 COpenMD::RotationAlgorithmAbstract class for rotation
 COpenMD::SectionParserManager"io/SectionParserManager.hpp" SectionParserManager maintains a priority list
 COpenMD::SelfDataThe SelfData struct
 COpenMD::shapedLatticeReturns a vector of vector3 position on a lattice truncated
 COpenMD::ShortRangeInteractionA ShortRangeInteraction holds some bookeeping data for bonded interactions (e.g
 COpenMD::SimCreatorThe only responsibility of SimCreator is to parse the meta-data file and create a SimInfo instance based on the information returned by parser
 COpenMD::SimInfoOne of the heavy-weight classes of OpenMD, SimInfo maintains objects and variables relating to the current simulation
 CSimplePreprocessorA simple preprocessor
 COpenMD::SnapshotRepository storing dynamic data during a Simulation
 COpenMD::SnapshotManagerSnapshotManager class is an abstract class which maintains a series of snapshots
 COpenMD::StatWriterA configurable Statistics Writer
 CSTLContainerTypeDataSTL container type generic data which is associated with an id
 COpenMD::StringTokenizerThe string tokenizer class allows an application to break a string into tokens The set of delimiters (the characters that separate tokens) may be specified either at creation time or on a per-token basis
 COpenMD::StuntDouble"Don't move, or you're dead! Stand up! Captain, we've got them!"
 CJAMA::SVD< Real >Singular Value Decomposition
 COpenMD::SystemDecompositionSystemDecomposition is an interface for passing out and collecting information from many processors for use during integration and computation of physical properties
 Cantlr::TokenA token is minimally a token type
 Cantlr::TokenBufferA Stream of Token objects fed to the parser from a TokenStream that can be rewound via mark()/rewind() methods
 Cantlr::TokenRefCount< T >
 Cantlr::TokenRefCount< Token >
 Cantlr::TokenStreamThis interface allows any object to pretend it is a stream of tokens
 Cantlr::CharScanner::TracerTracer class, used when -traceLexer is passed to antlr
 Cantlr::Parser::TracerUtility class which allows tracing to work even when exceptions are thrown
 Cantlr::TreeParser::TracerUtility class which allows tracing to work even when exceptions are thrown
 Cantlr ::TreeParser
 Cantlr::TreeParserInputStateThis object contains the data associated with an input AST
 COpenMD::TriangleTriangle provides geometric data to OpenMD
 COpenMD::TriangleQuadrature< NumericReturnType, T >A class for integrating a function using numerical quadrature over triangular domains
 COpenMD::TriangleQuadratureRuleA "rule" (weights and quadrature points) for computing quadrature over triangular domains
 COpenMD::TypeContainer< ElemType, SIZE >
 COpenMD::TypeContainer< AtomType, 1 >
 COpenMD::TypeContainer< BendType, 3 >
 COpenMD::TypeContainer< BondType, 2 >
 COpenMD::TypeContainer< InversionType, 4 >
 COpenMD::TypeContainer< NonBondedInteractionType, 2 >
 COpenMD::TypeContainer< TorsionType, 4 >
 COpenMD::Vector< Real, Dim >Fix length vector class
 COpenMD::Vector< int, 3 >
 COpenMD::Vector< Real, 2 >
 COpenMD::Vector< Real, 3 >
 COpenMD::Vector< Real, 4 >
 COpenMD::Vector< Real, 6 >
 COpenMD::Vector< RealType, 3 >
 COpenMD::Vector< RealType, 4 >
 COpenMD::Vector< RealType, Dim >
 COpenMD::VelocitizerVelocity-modifying routines